Orange County NC Website
Goal One: Ensure a community network of basic human services and infrastructure that maintains, <br />protects & promotes the wellbeing of all County residents. <br />Goal Two: Promote an interactive & transparent system of governance that reflects community values <br />Goal Three: Implement planning & economic development policies which create a balanced, dynamic <br />local economy, & which promote diversity, sustainable growth and enhanced revenue while embracing <br />community values. <br />Goal Four: Invest in quality County facilities, a diverse work force, and technology to achieve a high <br />performing County government. <br />Goal Five: Create, preserve, and protect a natural environment that includes clean water, clean air, <br />wildlife, important natural lands and sustainable energy for present and future generations. <br />Goal Six: Ensure a high quality of life and lifelong learning that champions diversity, education at all <br />levels, libraries, parks, recreation, and animal welfare. <br />