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ip <br />SECTION 4: STRATEGIC ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS <br />Overview <br />The following pages will outline how the recommended IT projects and initiatives', as defined by the <br />Orange County Board of County Commissioners, the Orange County departments, and the research <br />team from UNC, fit into the Commissioners' objectives, as well as the IT Department's operational <br />excellence objectives. Additionally, the projects will be prioritized based on mission criticality, overall <br />impact, and level of interest expressed by key stakeholders. As the strategic IT plan lays out <br />prioritized projects in the remainder of Section 4, it is imperative that the following framework is <br />applied and followed in the order prescribed. <br />As information technology investments increase across Orange County, there is a marked need to <br />increase the level of staffing, funding and support for these value -add services. The most critical <br />components to ensuring the success of the projects in the coming pages are related to the base level <br />IT investment noted in the schematic below: <br />Innovation <br />Business Support <br />IT Processes <br />IT Utility <br />The IT Utility function is the base of support for all technological impacts, including efficiency and <br />effectiveness gains, as well as innovation and enhanced service delivery. In order to engender success <br />for current and future IT investments, the County must increase the current staffing level of the IT <br />department. It is impossible to overstate the importance of increasing the current staffing level prior <br />to engaging in the majority of the recommended, high- impact projects that will enable the County to <br />be a leader in citizen service and effective and efficient government. Without increasing IT staff, the <br />bulk of the projects contained in the following pages should not be undertaken, as they will <br />increase risks for Orange County in economic, legal, and political arenas. <br />1 All requested projects from the various interviews with Orange County Commissioners and County staff are available in <br />Appendix A. <br />16 <br />