Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Support Requests <br />Providing technology support to County staff remains one of Information Technologies' most critical <br />and relied upon services. The tables below illustrated the volume of service request the department <br />handles, as well our measured performance in satisfactorily resolving those requests. Note the nearly <br />300% increase in incoming trouble tickets over the time period, while the resolution rates have <br />remained relatively steady. <br />This trend of responsiveness is particularly notable, given the increased demands for IT services with <br />no increase in IT staffing levels. Furthermore, during interviews with department heads and County <br />staff, all interviewees noted an increase in customer service and responsiveness over the past five <br />years. <br />Measure V Significances <br />�L_j <br />Measures percentage of time in which <br />99.92% 99.62% <br />network connectivity and servers are <br />available. This includes planned off -hours <br />downtime for maintenance <br />This is the total number of service requests <br />2447 7,232 <br />called into IT from County staff <br />This is the percentage of Priority One help <br />87.50% 72.57% <br />tickets resolved within 4 hour target <br />This is the percentage of Priority Two help <br />69.81% 76.89% <br />tickets resolved within 9 hour target <br />This is the percentage of Priority Three help <br />74.94% 82.48% <br />tickets resolved within 40 business hour target <br />This is the success rate for data backups. 94% 98.42% <br />Numbers of emails received from outside 8,110,193 41,482,502 <br />County network <br />Number of emails received from outside 8,004,328 39,200,807 <br />County network blocked as spam <br />11 <br />