Orange County NC Website
N <br />Orange County -- Proposed Timetable for November '14 Bond Referendum <br />Event <br />1. Determine tentative referendum plan <br />2. Meet with LGC staff <br />Date <br />As soon as possible <br />As soon as possible after informal <br />decision to proceed with November <br />referendum <br />3. Give informal notice to County Board As soon as possible after informal <br />of Elections decision to proceed with November <br />referendum <br />4. Obtain school board resolution Prior to Event 5 <br />5. Board adopts preliminary resolution At a County Board meeting by early June <br />explaining purpose for referendum <br />and authorizing publication of notice <br />of intent to file LGC application <br />6. Publish notice of intent to file <br />application <br />7. Legislative committee 45 -day filing <br />8. File LGC application <br />9. Board introduces bond order and <br />schedules public hearing <br />10. Clerk files sworn statement of debt <br />11. Publish notice of public hearing <br />12. Hold public hearing <br />8 <br />As soon as possible after Event 5 <br />As soon as possible after Event 5 <br />Must be at least 10 days after Event 6 and <br />prior to Event 9 <br />At a County Board meeting prior to <br />summer break <br />Any time between Event 9 and Event 11 <br />After Event 10 and at least six days prior <br />to Event 12 <br />At a Board meeting in late August or early <br />September <br />