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1 <br />months this year. This was based on the permission the BOCC granted a few years <br />ago to waive the live /work requirement after six months. <br />III. Proposed Affordable Housing Clearinghouse <br />At the last meeting, a proposal was made to the BOCC to create an Affordable Housing <br />Clearinghouse that would serve as a referral portal for County residents seeking affordable <br />housing information and opportunity. Additional work has been done to formalize this <br />proposal and the current proposal draft is attached for review and comment. <br />Additional Interests <br />Thus, the Affordable Housing Advisory Board (AHAB) in the coming months plans to focus its <br />attention on: <br />• Further development of the Affordable Housing Clearinghouse concept, <br />• Discussion /exploration with CHT on its marketing strategies in an effort to help <br />increase the number of timely sales. This will begin with a conversation to better <br />understand the current inventory and marketing strategies. Additionally, there is <br />interest in reviewing the land trust concept to include looking at other comparable <br />land trusts to determine their experiences /successes and to determine if those <br />could be replicated locally; and <br />• Continued monitoring of Housing Bond Program in preparation for future <br />consideration of another affordable housing bond referendum. <br />As AHAB continues to develop its work plans, board members would like to know from the <br />Board of County Commissioners if there are any specific work tasks they would like AHAB to <br />pursue as well. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with follow -up on affordable <br />housing matters previously discussed at the March 12, 2013 Joint Meeting with the Affordable <br />Housing Advisory Board. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends the Board follow -up on affordable <br />housing matters previously discussed at the March 12, 2013 Joint Meeting with the Affordable <br />Housing Advisory Board, and provide any direction to AHAB and /or staff as necessary. <br />