Orange County NC Website
7 <br />Attachment D <br />Orange County <br />Housing, Human Rights and Community Development <br />Date: October 28, 2010 <br />To: Frank W. Clifton, Jr., County Manager <br />From: Tara L. Fikes, Director <br />Subject: Commission for Women /Human Relations Commission <br />cc: Willie Best, Assistant County Manager <br />Gwen Harvey, Assistant County Manager <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners <br />Brian Colson, Human Relations Commission Chair <br />Shannon Jackson, Commission for Women Chair <br />James Spivey, Civil Rights Specialist <br />On October 20th I participated in a telephone conference call with Human Relations Commission <br />Chair Brian Colson, Commission for Women Chair Shannon Jackson, and Civil Rights <br />Specialist James Spivey to discuss your August 27th letter regarding the possible "merger" of <br />the Commission for Women (CFW) and the Human Relations Commission (HRC). Everyone <br />understood from your letter that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) had asked that <br />the two groups talk about how they could collaborate in addressing their issues collaboratively. <br />Shannon Jackson noted that she had not been able to contact her former board members for a <br />variety of reasons including changes in family and work responsibilities, out -of- county <br />relocations, the inability to add new members and re- appoint others during the BOCC review of <br />all advisory boards and commissions and the manner in which the CFW was disbanded. As a <br />result, she is the only interested member remaining. During our conversation she expressed an <br />interest in continuing to champion women's issues and thinks the advisory role that the CFW <br />had with the BOCC remains relevant. Therefore, Shannon is interested in joining with the HRC <br />and assisting in recruitment efforts to engage others interested in women's issues. To that end, <br />we talked about the possibility of advertising in some non - traditional media outlets such as <br />publications geared toward women's issues to recruit interested Orange County citizens. Thus, <br />by copy of this memorandum, I am asking the Clerk to the Board Donna Baker to let me know of <br />any prohibitions when advertising for Commission members. Also, during the call, Brian Colson <br />informed everyone that the Commission discussed your letter during their October 11th meeting <br />and the HRC membership voiced support of the CFW merging with the HRC. <br />Therefore, both Ms. Jackson and the HRC are ready to move ahead with the merger and the <br />necessary recruitment of new commission members who are particularly interested in women's <br />issues. There are currently 10 vacancies on the HRC which can currently have a total of 24 <br />members so there is sufficient space to add members. <br />James Spivey of my staff and I will continue to work with the HRC to "make this happen" and <br />will keep you informed of our progress. If you have questions or need additional information, <br />please let me know. Thanks. <br />