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Excerpt from Approved ATTACHMENT B 4 <br />January 25, 2011 Minutes <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that he has a problem with this because this entity is <br />funded primarily with Orange County funds but is not under the County's control. <br />Chair Pelissier said that there is enough concern that the Board should probably have <br />a discussion specifically about this board. <br />Frank Clifton said that the Visitor's Bureau is under the County's control and that is the <br />problem with some of the city partners. <br />Chair Foushee said that there needs to be a decision about whether this is going to be <br />an Orange County department or a separate entity. <br />Commission for the Environment: <br />Chair Pelissier said that this board and others under the Department of Environment, <br />Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) put their objectives in the context of the <br />comprehensive plan. She said that she wanted to thank them for the layout of their goals. <br />Economic Development Commission: <br />The Board agreed to send a letter of acknowledgement for the work of the citizens on <br />this board. <br />Historic Preservation Commission: <br />No comments. <br />Human Relations Commission (HRC): <br />Chair Pelissier said that she was concerned that there were no emerging issues in this <br />summary report. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the HRC is still trying to get feedback. <br />Chair Pelissier suggested encouraging the HRC to forward their goals when they are <br />ready. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what happened with the Commission for Women and the <br />issues with the HRC. <br />Chair Pelissier said that there is a report forthcoming, but the Board agreed to the <br />concept of merging the two boards. <br />Donna Baker said that the status report would be coming through the Manager's <br />Memo. <br />Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee: <br />No comments. <br />Orange County Board of Adjustment: <br />No comments. <br />Orange County Parks and Recreation Council: <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there is no mention of working with non - profits. <br />Frank Clifton said that this is a new process for them and it has been advocated more <br />at the staff level. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to communicate to this board about this <br />and Frank Clifton said that he would. <br />Commissioner Hemminger said that staff and this board had some disagreement as to <br />what was to go in this report. <br />