Orange County NC Website
0 <br />E. OWASA Applicants <br />1. Please list /explain your experience, either professionally and /or from other <br />boards /commissions, that you have in the areas of budget, personnel, and management. <br />2. In addition to the experience listed in question 1 above, please list the work /volunteer <br />experience /qualifications that would add to your expertise for this board. <br />3. What do you see as the responsibilities of this board, and what do you hope to <br />accomplish if appointed? <br />4. What is OWASA's role in growth /development issues? <br />5. Do you have any personal or business interest(s) that could create a conflict of interest <br />(either real or perceived) if you are appointed to this board? Yes No If yes, <br />then please explain: <br />The only other recommended changes to the application are to make two additions to Section I <br />(which asks residents to list the boards and commissions on which they wish to serve). The first <br />is to add a note that a resident could submit an application to a maximum of three boards, <br />because of data base limitations. The second is to add a question, "Please explain your <br />reasons for wanting to serve on this board ", for all applicants, because the question is general <br />in scope and seems appropriate for all boards. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: NONE <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends that the Board discuss the <br />proposed revisions and provide direction as needed. <br />