Agenda - 10-01-2013 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-01-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-01-2013 - 7a
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6/11/2015 4:18:11 PM
Creation date
9/27/2013 11:40:00 AM
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Regular Meeting
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Minutes 10-01-2013
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14 <br />Below are the specific changes of note in the Unified Animal Control Ordinance: <br />1. Changes associated with the creation in 2005 of Animal Services as a free standing county <br />department. (Update). Changes of this kind include reference to the Animal Services Director (as <br />opposed to the Animal Control Manager); the existence of Animal Services as a county department; <br />and recognition that animal sheltering, animal control, and animal protection functions are all now <br />the responsibility of Animal Services. These changes are too numerous to specifically identify <br />without creating confusion as to other changes in the document. <br />2. Keeping and Display of Wild Animals. (Sec. 4 -132. Display of wild or exotic animals prohibited; Sec. <br />4- 182.- Keeping of wild and dangerous animals prohibited). (Integration) These sections of the <br />Ordinances were originally written when Animal Control was a part of the Health Department and <br />authority was vested in the Health Director (or designee). This section was updated to vest <br />regulatory authority in Animal Services and the Animal Services Director. In addition, the definitions <br />for the terms "wild animals ", "exotic animals" and "display" were incorporated into the Unified <br />Ordinance from the existing language in the town ordinances. <br />3. Creating an appeal process for violations and administrative orders. (Sec.4- 54.- Appeals; passim). <br />(Deficiency) The current county Ordinance provides no appeals process either for civil citations <br />issued for infractions or administrative orders. As a result, a person receiving a citation or an <br />administrative order has no redress other than to appeal the decision in civil court; either for the <br />collection of monetary penalties or for injunctive relief from an administrative order. <br />2 <br />4. Designating only animal control staff as cruelty investigators pursuant to North Carolina General — <br />Statute. (Sec 4- 33.- Animal control officers. (a); p. 1). (Update) North Carolina General Statute <br />§19A -45 grants the Board of County Commissioners the authority to appoint Animal Cruelty Officers. <br />Staff is recommending that the Board limit that authority of animal control investigation to <br />professionally trained staff. Doing so assures that the powers and duties of an animal cruelty <br />investigator vest in Animal Services, thereby streamlining Animal Services use of civil processes to <br />take effective custody and /or real possession of animals suffering from neglect or cruelty in its <br />different forms. This designation reflects the expansion of the responsibilities of Animal Control <br />Officers under Animal Services to include animal protection, which includes investigating and <br />remedying of assorted forms of animal cruelty and neglect. The restriction of this designation to <br />Animal Control staff reflects several considerations: 1) the professional ization of the function of <br />animal protection with the creation of Animal Services; 2) the availability of an Animal Control <br />Officer around the clock, year round to respond to urgent or exigent circumstances; 3) the <br />interdependence of sheltering and animal protective functions recognizing there may be intensive <br />and costly large -scale seizures as a result of animal cruelty investigation; and 4) the overall <br />advantages of organizational integration and alignment. <br />5. Authority for assuring humane treatment of animals and humane euthanasia when warranted. (Sec. <br />4 -43.- Impoundment of animals. (c) (d); p.21). (Deficiency) Absent from the existing Ordinance is <br />the express authority to humanely euthanize an animal suffering in exigent circumstances and to <br />hold an animal if there is no reasonable assurance of proper care <br />6. Differentiation of public nuisances created by cats. (Sec. 4- 45.(7) - Public nuisance. (Deficiency and <br />Integration) Generally, cats are covered by the public nuisance provisions of the existing County <br />2 <br />
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