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12 <br />Commissioner Rich expressed concern about the number of items being deferred until the 18tH <br />She asked if the financial parts will be separated out or if it can be done as one item. <br />Frank Clifton said the financial aspects won't impact budget. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested this be deferred until fall. <br />Chair Jacobs summarized the plan. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner McKee to defer <br />consideration of this item until fall, when staff is asked to come back with a digested form highlighting <br />changes to the ordinance, addressing points made by the public and why the work group agrees or <br />disagrees with these points. <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked if this motion includes bringing back the recovery fees issue before <br />the fall. <br />Commissioner Gordon clarified that she would prefer to bring it all back in the fall, since the June <br />18th meeting may be too full. She said she would defer the decision about the animal recovery issue /fees <br />to the agenda review team. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS D <br />c. Refund Requests for Inaccurate Square Footage Calculation <br />The Board was to consider five taxpayers' refund requests for the years 2008 through 2012. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to defer this <br />item to the June 18th BOCC meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Work Group and Charge for an Assessment of Jail Alternative Programs <br />The Board was to consider the creation of a Work Group and Charge for the Assessment of Jail <br />Alternative Programs. <br />DEFERRED <br />8. Reports NONE <br />9. County Manager's Report <br />Chair Jacobs had asked Frank Clifton to reaffirm with towns on a solid waste inter -local <br />agreement. <br />Frank Clifton said right now the towns are waiting for an analysis of their current services studies. <br />He said that both are taking waste to a private transfer station in Durham County. He said the Town of <br />Chapel Hill is still analyzing pursuit of its own transfer station and the possible inclusion of Carrboro in this. <br />He said Hillsborough is still just as close to Durham. He said the towns are still interested in a construction <br />and debris landfill, and there is continued discussion of Chapel Hill having its own recycling program. He <br />said that all of this means there is no ongoing effort for a solid waste agreement until the towns have <br />sorted through these considerations. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if this means the County is not considering an inter -local agreement. <br />Frank Clifton said there have been some preliminary staff discussions. He said the primary issue <br />is what an agreement would entail and recycling is the main topic. He said much of this depends on what <br />direction the County decides to take. <br />Commissioner Rich encouraged everyone to keep those conversations going and keep a positive <br />tone to encourage a partnership. <br />Frank Clifton said one thing that has been discussed is the legal authority to operate within the <br />Chapel Hill section of Durham County. He said this requires Chapel Hill to include a provision in its budget <br />ordinance to allow the County to levy a fee and collect for the services within the town's authority. He <br />