Agenda - 10-01-2013 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-01-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-01-2013 - 7a
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6/11/2015 4:18:11 PM
Creation date
9/27/2013 11:40:00 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 10-01-2013
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11 <br />from the School of Government. He said that he realizes that the farm animals can be destructive, but they <br />are not the only animals that can damage a car on the road. <br />Bob Marotto said that the farm animals issue was brought to the ASAB several years ago, and it <br />was carefully studied. This was followed by the development of a set of recommendations for the Board <br />of County Commissioners that preceded this one. He said he realizes that there are several large animals <br />that can cause harm, but this issue involved litigation and assessment of a policy issue. He said this <br />history is an important part of the process that needs to be recognized. <br />Annette Moore said that the board thought about not filling the gaps, such as the appeal process. <br />However, it was felt that this was one of several glaring missing pieces. She said the same is true of the <br />issue of trespass, and that is why these gaps were filled. <br />Commissioner McKee said he knows there will be gaps; however it should have been consolidated <br />and then each individual gap addressed after the consolidation, not before. This would have made it clear <br />to the public. He said the fact that this wasn't done makes it impossible for him to support this. This would <br />mean supporting not just the consolidation document, but also new recommendations and regulations. <br />Commissioner Price referenced the section regarding penalties and spay /neutering for animals <br />picked up by animal services. She said she understands the overpopulation issue, but she does not <br />understand the 'correlation between an animal that strays and the practice of spaying /neutering without <br />owner consent. <br />Bob Marotto said that the correlation is that reproduction can occur in the case of unattended <br />animals. He said it is not a requirement of the proposal that the animal be spayed or neutered, but it is a <br />requirement that the owner put down a deposit that is refundable if the procedure is done within a 60 day <br />period. He said this also allows for education to the owner regarding the available services and the <br />benefits. <br />Commissioner Rich asked about the criteria for classification of vicious and dangerous dogs. <br />Bob Marotto said the decision is made in accordance with the criteria set in law and the totality of <br />the circumstances and facts of the case. He said there is a review conducted when a report is made and <br />an investigation is done in accordance with a set of standards. <br />Commissioner Rich asked about the appeal process. <br />Bob Marotto said the NC General statute gives a general appeal to the owner of a dog declared <br />"potentially dangerous ", but there is no appeal for a dog declared "dangerous." He said that the proposal <br />this evening is the first appeal process in an ordinance. This has been created in this ordinance out of <br />concern for the necessity of due process and checks and balances. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said she appreciates the work that has been done. She said the point <br />made about definitions being deleted is valid and definitions need to be made up front. <br />She said she does have a concern about the farm animals, as she does not want to send the <br />wrong message to farmers in rural Orange County. She said that escaped cows are not an uncommon <br />occurrence and this is not something farmers want. She is concerned and would like to see this issue <br />reexamined. <br />Chair Jacobs said the he has decided to defer the closed session to the June 11th work <br />session. He also deferred the Work Group and Charge for an Assessment of Jail Alternative <br />Programs to the June 18th BOCC Meeting. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested staff should highlight the gaps and to come back to the Board, addressing <br />the points the public made and why the board agrees or disagrees with these points. He said there were <br />valid arguments made, and he could not decide on a direction at this point. He said this should come back <br />on the 18th and he said the official schedule will be decided at agenda review. He said that this will not get <br />the go ahead until September. <br />Bob Marotto said the recommended amendment changes for animal recovery are part of the <br />Animal Services recommended budget and he asked if these can be considered separately. <br />Frank Clifton said there is a proposal in the budget where Carrboro has asked the County to <br />absorb its animal control operations. He said some of these changes may be a result of that and the town <br />of Carrboro will have to be dealt with in this process. <br />Bob Marotto said that services can begin to be delivered in Carrboro on July 1 without the changes, <br />but this will be done under 2 or 3 different ordinances until the single ordinance is established throughout <br />the County. <br />
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