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17 <br /> Barrows asked if the rezoning would make a great number of changes in uses. Kirk <br /> responded that in the Rural Buffer no commercial uses are permitted. One use <br /> permitted in the Rural Buffer that is not permitted in Neighborhood Commercial-2 <br /> would be a tower with a Class B Special Use Permit. <br /> Allison asked if information had been received regarding health concerns that <br /> had been discussed previously. Kirk responded that comments that had been <br /> presented at Board of Adjustment meetings had indicated that the towers have a <br /> minimal effect. It had been stated that electric alarm clocks and microwave ovens <br /> give off more radiation than the towers. <br /> Jobsis stated that she had spoken informally with people on this issue and was told <br /> that there is no scientific evidence that indicate harmful effects from radio tower or <br /> cellular phone transmissions. The studies that have been done were done on the <br /> high voltage electrical wires which is a totally different situation. <br /> Willis responded that there are Federal standards related to radiation and towers that <br /> must be observed. She continued that there was an item at the public hearing <br /> concerning communication towers which will be presented at the next Planning <br /> Board meeting. One of the issues that will be addressed is to specify that towers <br /> would need to meet and prove that they do meet all of the Federal standards. Willis <br /> noted that the County Attorney had stated that local jurisdictions do not have the <br /> authority to decide on that basis. What can be done locally is to determine that those <br /> standards that have been established by Federal authority are met. This will be <br /> included in the Staff recommendation regarding communication towers. <br /> Barrows questioned the finding on Article 20.3.2d referring to changed conditions <br /> indicating she did not agree with a finding in the affirmative. <br /> Kirk stated that changed or changing conditions is not a requirement that the <br /> applicant would have to prove or meet. He emphasized that the applicant had to <br /> meet only one or more of the statements of justification,not all four. <br /> Further discussion indicated that the areas surrounding this parcel are all in the Rural <br /> Buffer and rezoning this to Rural Buffer would be consistent with adjacent <br /> properties. Willis noted that the Rural Buffer became effective in 1986 and this <br /> tract was not included because of existing uses at that time. <br /> Jerry Hartzsell explained the letter he had submitted and presented a map that <br /> indicated the exact location of the proposed rezoning and the surrounding buffer <br /> area.Jobsis expressed appreciation noting the map was very helpful in viewing the <br /> area. <br /> Jobsis asked for a vote on page 73,Article 20.3.2a-20.3.2d. <br /> Six approved findings in the affirmative. <br /> One opposed(Barrows). <br /> Jobsis asked for a vote on page 74,Article 20.3.2e and Article 4.2.1 (1 &2). <br /> Unanimous approval. <br /> MOTION: Allison moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff. Seconded by Price. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br />