Orange County NC Website
0 <br />OSSI: Project funded in FY 12 -13 <br />800 MHz Radios: Portable and mobile 800 MHz radios for all Public Safety Departments County -Wide have or will be reaching seven -years of age. Replacement is <br />necessary to ensure reliability for emergency responders. Only the Emergency Services and Sheriff's departments are included in the CIP. It will be up to each individual <br />municipal or rural department to fund their replacement radios. It is important to establish standard features and specifications for 800 MHz radios (portables and <br />mobiles) to ensure system reliability, optimal integration with new platforms (P25) which will be placed in service by NCSHP/VIPER starting in 2013. Regardless of <br />funding source or user, it is critical that units purchased be standardized to ensure integration, reliability and reduce potential for field failure. The replacement of radios <br />for Emergency Services will be phased over the next five years. The County started purchasing new 800 MHz radios in 2004 and replaced some in FY 2012 -13. Year 1 <br />(FY 2013 -14) includes funding to replace a repeater, and funding in subsequent years for these original radios plus sufficient radios for new staff and begin to replenish <br />disaster radio cache. Year 5 (FY 2017 -18) includes funding of $920,000 for replacement of Sheriff radios. <br />NextGen Phone System: Replacement of the main 9 -1 -1 switch, which is necessary to gain access to Internet (Next Generation) based services. The current switch will <br />have reached the end of its useful life and will no longer be supported by the vendor. If the switch is not replaced, the cost of repairs /maintenance /parts will become very <br />expensive. There is a risk that parts for this equipment will not be available in the coming years. Based on the most current vendor consultation, replacement is <br />approved in FY 2013 -2014. Pricing reflects updated quote and purchase is eligible from 9 -1 -1 funds if approved by 9 -1 -1 Board. <br />9 -1 -1 Call Taker and Dispatch Software: <br />EPD: ProQA Dispatch Software integrates the National Academy Protocols with today's critical computer technologies and assists telecommunicators in quickly <br />determining the appropriate response specifically configured by local agency authorities. ProQA guides dispatchers in providing relevant Post - Dispatch and Pre - Arrival <br />instructions prior to units arriving on scene. Pricing reflects updated quote and OSSI interface. <br />EFD: Fire Priority Dispatch system will allow all the benefits and safety features of a unified fire protocol system based on fire department approved parameters to <br />combine with the latest in caller integration and response prioritization. Pricing reflects updated quote and OSSI interface. <br />Smart 9 -1 -1: Allows citizens to enter information through a secure website that would be available in the event they need to call 9 -1 -1. When the citizen calls 9 -1 -1 the <br />data automatically displays on the 9 -1 -1 operators work station. The same information is also available via the web to police, fire and EMS units in the field which helps <br />them respond more quickly and effectively. It works seamlessly in today's infrastructure as well as future Next Generation solutions. <br />Paging Hardware: Will provide a reliable station notification system for all County Fire and EMS stations. Can not be funded through 9 -1 -1 funds. <br />P26 Compliant Radio System Consoles: The Project 25 New Technology Standards Project (known as Project 25 or P25) is a multi - phase, multi -year project jointly <br />conducted by the public safety communications community and industry to establish a suite of open standards (known as the Project 25 Standard) that enable the <br />manufacture, procurement, and operation of interoperable digital wireless communications equipment and systems to satisfy the service, feature, and capability <br />requirements of public safety practitioners and other users. Replacement of the current radio systems in the 911 center to continue to integrate with the state -wide VIPER <br />radio network. This upgrade will outfit eleven (11) 911 console positions and furniture for two workstations. Becoming compliant will allow for the capability to provide and <br />maintain a communciations infrastructure supported by the State. PURCHASE MAY BE ELIGIBLE FROM 9 -1 -1 FUND IF APPROVED BY 9 -1 -1 BOARD. <br />P26 Compliant Radios (Rural Fire Districts): Provides for P25 compliant upgrades and programming to existing portable radios for all rural fire districts. <br />