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Paul Laughton said representatives are here to answer questions or explain <br /> requests for tax increases. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if North Chatham had approved the fire service <br /> district agreement. <br /> John Strowd said the Board has approved two contracts as of last night, the <br /> Southern Triangle, and the Damascus draft agreement. <br /> Commissioner Gordon thanked them for their cooperation. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that Commissioner Price will be late due to a conflict. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said, in considering the variety of potential tax changes, <br /> it would be helpful for him to see what the total tax impacts will be to each person in <br /> these districts. <br /> Frank Clifton said staff can probably give a list by area, but the key will be the <br /> county tax rates overall. He said the school districts will be more complicated. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he does not want to make things overcomplicated, <br /> but he would like a sense of the overall impact. <br /> Frank Clifton noted that none of the fire districts are within the towns. He said a <br /> chart could be compiled to total out the increases based on what the Board decides to <br /> do. <br /> Commissioner McKee said some of these increases for the departments outside <br /> of Chapel Hill were driven by efforts to reduce ISO ratings. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked to what extent these terms have been agreed to <br /> as part of the process of creating those districts. He asked if the Board is bound by <br /> contract, or is in the process of negotiation. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he feels that, regardless of the letter of the law, the <br /> Board is honor bound to adhere to the negotiations with Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and <br /> North Chatham, for the change in the Southern Triangle area. He noted that he had <br /> reservations about the 15 cents. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this was his sense of the issue. <br /> Michael Talbert said both White Cross and Orange Grove are moving forward <br /> with stations. He said the contracts approved for the three new districts set a tax rate, <br /> not to exceed 15 cents. He said the wording in the contract allows the Board to re-set <br /> this amount each year. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Board has asked for several years about reducing ISO <br /> ratings, and it is encouraging that the fire departments are working on this by adding <br /> extra stations. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to thank the departments for their <br /> service as public safety officers. <br /> Cedar Grove Fire District$204,527 <br /> ❑ The tax rate for this district is recommended to remain at 7.36 cents for FY 2013-14. <br /> In FY 2012-13, the department is in the process of working with the contractor and <br /> Orange County Planning Department on the addition to Station #2 to include a training <br /> room, kitchen and new office. The department has also installed additional dry <br /> hydrants, purchased equipment that is needed on their trucks for ISO, and plans to <br /> lower their insurance rating in the near future. <br /> ❑ In FY 2013-14, the department plans to complete the addition to Station #2; the <br /> department has been saving for the last few years for this addition with the hopes to <br /> have a large portion of the building paid for, continue to work on lowering the district's <br /> insurance rating, and continue to train firefighters for level I & II certifications. <br /> ❑ Their Five-Year plan includes working on replacing a 1986 model brush truck and a <br /> 1985 squad truck, work towards setting aside funds to replace the engine at Station #2; <br /> their goal is to keep engines and tankers on a rotation that will not allow them to be <br /> more than 20 years old before replacing them, and add two part-time staff during peak <br /> daytime hours. <br />