Orange County NC Website
• Landfill hours of operation proposed to be reduced six hours per week due to staff <br /> reductions. The MSW Landfill closes on June 30, 2013. <br /> • With the MSW Landfill closing, the FY 2013-14 Budget includes the elimination of 2 <br /> vacant positions (Landfill Equipment Operator and Landfill Inspector); elimination of 1 <br /> position upon the June 30, 2013 retirement of incumbent (Weighmaster), as well as <br /> moving 2.0 FTE Landfill Equipment Operator positions from the Landfill division to the <br /> Recycling division. Also, there are an additional 2.0 FTE Landfill Equipment Operator <br /> positions that are only budgeted for partial year, one through 8/31/13 and one through <br /> 9/30/13. <br /> • Non-Permanent Personnel is reduced by $56,262 due to the closing of the MSW <br /> Landfill. <br /> • Capital Outlay of$3,292,149 for FY 2013-14 includes the costs for the Landfill closure <br /> • Transfer recycling programs previously funded through the MSW landfill to Recycling <br /> Division. <br /> • Initiate a mattress recycling program on current landfill property, funded through a <br /> special waste tipping fee of$10.00 per piece. Anticipated revenue from this new fee is <br /> $25,500 in FY 2013-14. <br /> Landfill: <br /> Budget Highlights: <br /> • The increase in Personnel Services in FY 2013-14 includes the transfer of 2.0 FTE <br /> Landfill Equipment Operator positions from the Landfill division to Recycling, and an <br /> increase of$20,245 in Non-Permanent Personnel that was previously funded in the <br /> Landfill division. <br /> • The increase in Operations in FY 2013-14 within this division includes increases in <br /> Equipment and Vehicle Supplies and Repairs due to equipment transferred from <br /> Landfill to Recycling. <br /> • Capital Outlay funds of$76,246 include the replacement of a trailer of hauling <br /> recyclables. <br /> • The decrease in Revenues in FY 2013-14 is mostly attributed to the elimination of the <br /> 3R Fee tiers (Urban, Rural, and Multi-family) <br /> • The FY 2013-14 Manager Recommended Budget includes an increase in the 3R Basic <br /> Fee from $37.00 to $47.00, effective July 1, 2013. This is anticipated to generate <br /> $591,757 in additional revenue in FY 2013-14. <br /> • Saved an estimated $112,000 in urban curbside recycling contract costs by <br /> transitioning the program to single stream collection in FY 12-13. <br /> • Worked with UNC to have them take over the funding of their food waste programs on <br /> campus saving the County an estimated $44,000 in food waste/compost contract costs <br /> in FY 12-13. <br /> • Started to sell used oil to market with estimated revenue of$18,000 in FY 12-13. <br /> • Entered a new Household Hazardous Waste disposal and recycling contract in FY 12- <br /> 13 saving an estimated $20,000 in contract expenditures. <br /> Sanitation Division: <br /> Budget Highlights: <br /> • The FY 2013-14 Manager Recommended Budget includes two new .625 FTE <br /> Convenience Center Operator positions to cover additional hours for two district Solid <br /> Waste Convenience Centers (Eubanks Road and Walnut Grove Church Road SWCCs. <br />