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Chair Jacobs asked if EMS had finished deploying all of the defibrillators in the <br /> facilities. <br /> Jim Groves said this was still happening, and he would check on it and get back to the <br /> Board. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he was confused by the addition of 6 telecommunicators and how <br /> this relates to the increase in overtime. <br /> Jim Groves said since the these employees do shift work that is over 40 hours per <br /> week, and overtime is built in. He said the more staff involved, the bigger the increase in <br /> overtime. <br /> Frank Clifton said these people work 12 hour shifts and then have built in overtime per <br /> week. He said the pay is done according to federal law. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the earlier overtime for Emergency Services was to fill in for <br /> vacant positions. <br /> Frank Clifton said everyone works the staggered shift and everyone has some overtime <br /> built in. He said that if someone is out, then another employee has to be paid overtime to fill <br /> in. He said that more staff helps balance the overtime. He said that if everyone worked a 40 <br /> hour work week, there would be more employees and more benefits; so overtime keeps overall <br /> operating cost lower. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this just seems counterintuitive. <br /> Frank Clifton said the number of overtime hours for substitutes is analyzed, and at <br /> some point it makes more sense to hire a position. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it is helpful to have a chart that includes all of the new <br /> positions. <br /> Paul Laughton said this chart is available on page 31 and 32. <br /> Chair Jacobs said, in the past, the County adopted a policy about overtime, and it was <br /> tracked through temp and overtime hours. He hopes the County is not going backwards and <br /> hiring temporary workers to avoid paying benefits. <br /> Solid Waste (including Fee Schedule change requests and Non-Departmental items) <br /> 257 ( p. 186-87 and pages 358-59) <br /> Budget Highlights <br /> • The difference in the FY 2013-14 Department Request and the Manager <br /> Recommended budgeted amounts within the Environmental Support division relates to <br /> the Charges by the General Fund to Solid Waste for the cost of a position within Tax <br /> Administration dedicated to 3R fee collections and the 50% cost of a position in the <br /> Planning Department for work on the Regulated Recycling Materials Ordinance. The <br /> department had eliminated these costs of$74,401 from their request, but they were <br /> added back in the Manager Recommended Budget. <br /> • The Capital Outlay of$11,661 in FY 2013-14 is for the replacement of an air <br /> compressor. <br /> • Continue to fund the planning, education and preparation for ongoing improvements at <br /> convenience centers and other programmatic changes per BOCC. <br /> • Continue to conduct enforcement of littering, illegal dumping, licensing and other <br /> county solid waste ordinance. <br /> • Implement closure procedures of MSW Landfill consistent with BOCC's closure <br /> decision and applicable State regulations. Dispose of surplus MSW equipment and <br /> vehicles once closure is completed. <br /> • Complete organizational restructuring per an approved reduction in force. <br />