Minutes 05-30-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-30-2013
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Last modified
9/18/2013 11:15:37 AM
Creation date
9/18/2013 11:04:23 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 05-30-2013 - Agenda
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enough from major stakeholders and experts on the ground, including agencies, schools and <br /> everyday users of County services. She asked that service, and not buildings, be made a <br /> priority with stakeholders actively involved in the process. She encouraged more attention to <br /> resource sharing and community based services with an explicit intention to support community <br /> services. She thanked the Board for pushing back on the project at the Blackwood Farm. She <br /> said there is a high amount of concern about the growing interest in a bond referendum and tax <br /> increase to fund a list of capital projects that have not had serious discussion about justification <br /> or urgency. She asked the Board to look into how services can be modernized, and this might <br /> lead to more money being found for the schools. <br /> Marilyn McTigue is a long time resident of Bingham Township. She expressed <br /> appreciation for the Emergency Services work group that engaged the public, and she said she <br /> would like the same process for library services. She said that, despite $25 million invested in <br /> new libraries in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, she has to utilize two library cards and two web <br /> based applications to access the full collection. She said that the Chapel Hill Public Library is <br /> central to Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and she questioned the plans for the Carrboro library. She <br /> noted that many rural residents travel 15 miles or more to access a library. She would like to <br /> see the establishment of a library services workgroup with stakeholders from the town and <br /> County to devise a seamless library services plan for the entire County. She would like to see <br /> Commissioner Rich chair this group; and, as a dedicated library user, she would like be a <br /> member. <br /> Myra Dotson, representing the Orange County Voice, questioned the rush for a new <br /> Board of County Commissioners meeting room in Hillsborough. She asked if this is a good use <br /> of space and finances. She said that the Board has many meeting spaces and she asked if <br /> there is an overall plan and vision for community operation that is guiding these decisions. She <br /> said that the preference is for more emphasis on new styles of meetings, especially with the <br /> public. She suggested meetings in the communities at locations near to the issues being <br /> discussed. She said this shows respect to the public and engages them in the discussions. <br /> She noted the Board's ability to broadcast every meeting and asked that work sessions, retreats <br /> and public hearings be broadcast, regardless of location. She said that in this time of <br /> budgetary constraint, a new Commissioner meeting room should be delayed until there is a <br /> comprehensive plan for all community and county office space. <br /> Sam Gharbo asked the Board to support the previously mentioned suggestions about <br /> library services. He stressed the need for rural access to library services and suggested access <br /> to the under-used Efland Community Center. He said he will apply to a library services work <br /> group. <br /> Paul Rockwell speaks for Orange County Voice. He said the group supports excellent <br /> libraries, schools and social services. He expressed a willingness to pay a premium for good <br /> services but not for excess buildings, campuses and facilities. He asked the Board to redirect <br /> the focus away from building and more on planning better services. He asked for more <br /> partnerships to build better service models and save money. He said that more should be done <br /> to engage stakeholders. <br /> Kristen Commons has three children in the CHCCS and her family is a longtime <br /> proponent of education in Orange County. This is the third time she has come back to Chapel <br /> Hill, and she and her husband chose to live here because of the school system. She is <br /> concerned about the programming at Northside Elementary school and whether there will be <br /> funding to provide programs to reach all of the children, especially those with special needs. <br /> She expressed concern with dipping into the fund balance as this is not a sustainable action. <br /> She asked the Board to fully fund the school's budget request to maintain the high quality of <br /> education. <br />
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