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incarceration related programs and assessing the impact on jail population. Attachment B <br /> outlines a proposed scope of services to evaluate current alternatives to incarceration <br /> programs. <br /> Michael Talbert said that Steve Allan, consultant from Solutions for Local Government, <br /> intends to track and retrieve data and program information for three years. He will interview <br /> key players, including district court judges, senior superior court judges, district attorneys, <br /> public defenders and others. Michael Talbert hopes the end result will be a comprehensive <br /> report that outlines the services provided, as well as the impact in the community and in the jail <br /> population. <br /> Michael Talbert said that the purpose for tonight is discussion and feedback. He said <br /> that if the Board chooses to proceed in this direction, Steve Allan can begin during the summer <br /> and will have results back by October. <br /> Frank Clifton said this is an important step in maximizing alternatives to jail space, and <br /> to begin the process of jail planning and design. He said Steve Allan has been involved in jail <br /> planning and other studies of this nature; so his input will be valuable in adjusting plans prior to <br /> bringing on an architectural design team. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if there will be any consideration of other programs that <br /> currently do not exist but are allowable under current legislation. <br /> Steve Allan said this will typically come up as he goes through the process. He said <br /> that different terminology is used by different areas. He gave examples, such as house arrest <br /> and anklet use, as well as work release. He said this will be looked at, and he offered to add a <br /> bullet of additional programs to be suggested. He feels that the current programs are likely <br /> sufficient for the current jail population. . <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if there are places, such as School of Government, that <br /> might have ideas for program enhancement. She would like to fully explore all possibilities to <br /> reduce incarceration. <br /> Steve Allan said the jail population will dictate what can be done in any given place. He <br /> said there is a point where only a certain number of people can be released. He said he will <br /> include a section in his report to identify any new ideas that might be given. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is looking at the scope of services and he questions the <br /> need for an outside consultant. He believes the assessment phase would be collecting data <br /> that is routinely collected now by staff. He asked why this data cannot be used and said this is <br /> a concern for him. He said another concern is how this report is going to affect the County <br /> building a new jail. He said these program alternatives are good, but he does not see the <br /> connection. <br /> Frank Clifton said the issues are that many people involved in this proposal are state <br /> elected employees with individual perspectives on how things should be done; however in <br /> almost every case the county has to assume responsibility for the expense. He said that when <br /> you tie that with the County's responsibility of providing jail space, and the consideration of a <br /> changing environment, it is problematic. He said there are elements of information from the <br /> court staff that are not in agreement with the County staff perspective, and there is need for an <br /> outside opinion. He said that there are 100 counties in the state and many different <br /> approaches. <br /> Frank Clifton said the numbers for the jail are based on a general total population <br /> estimate that allows for growth. He said one element could be a phase development for the <br /> jail that involves the addition of pods over time to increase size as needed. He said that there <br /> must be some space, other than the pods, incorporated in the initial phase for programming <br /> and activities. <br />