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Commissioner McKee said he thinks there should be more information on the <br /> application, though he is not sure he supports an interview process. He thinks that it is <br /> important that applicants and appointees not be picked to align with a certain ideology. <br /> Commissioner Rich said that both Carrboro and Chapel Hill interview candidates for <br /> OWASA. She does not know why Orange County would not do the same. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is not opposed to an interview process as long as <br /> personal ideology is not involved in the decision making process. <br /> Commissioner Price said she can see a slightly different process for these particular <br /> boards. She said that perhaps this can simply be an extra set of specific questions, along with <br /> a commitment that applicants will attend the meetings. She questioned whether the BOCC <br /> should be the only one to interview and bring forward the candidates. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that there has been discussion on broadening the memberships of <br /> the advisory boards. He said there are not enough young people or students. He said he <br /> feels that the idea of lowering barriers is an important one. He said there are cases, such as <br /> the Nursing Home Advisory Board, where there is specific expertise required to do a focused <br /> job. He said that for some of these boards, vetting is important. He said he has always been <br /> of the opinion that if there are openings and there are applicants, the position should be filled; <br /> however this has backfired on several occasions. <br /> Donna Baker said that if the process is lengthy, it will often happen that the candidate <br /> is no longer interested or available by the time the Board gets back to them. She said that <br /> efforts are made to contact the candidates prior to a decision to check availability. She said <br /> that all of the information on the forms comes straight from a database. <br /> Chair Jacobs gave an example of a conflict of interest case with an advisory board <br /> candidate. He said he sees the value in bringing in candidates to interview. He said that his <br /> only concern with vetting is that personal agendas will be pushed. He said that if all of the <br /> questions can be agreed on, then he is ok with it. <br /> Chair Jacobs does think the issue of cliques is a problem, but his is unsure how to <br /> address them. <br /> Commissioner Price said she agreed with Commissioner Dorosin. She feels that if a <br /> candidate is willing to serve and is willing to attend the meetings there should not be an <br /> interview process requirement. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin re-iterated his opposition to interviews. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she is not sold on having to do interviews. <br /> Commissioner Price suggested a phone interview. <br /> Commissioner Gordon recommended a specific supplemental set of questions for each <br /> board. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she feels it is important for some of these boards to get to <br /> know the candidates better. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is opposed to the idea of phone calls, unless phone <br /> calls are made to every single person with the same set of questions. <br /> Decision Point: <br /> • Does the Board want to move forward with a revised application for these particular <br /> boards mentioned above, and if so, can the board provide feedback/questions to the County <br /> Attorney in order to move the process forward? <br /> Does the Board want to stay with the current process? <br />