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Donna Baker said the Attorney did not get feedback on what the Board would want to <br /> see in a revised application. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that if anyone would like to volunteer to help with the process and <br /> the form, to please step forward. <br /> Commissioner McKee and Donna Baker noted that the Board of Adjustments has been <br /> deferred, and the Planning Board also has openings. He suggested that these appointments <br /> be made with the idea that changes are to be made to the application process. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the idea was to change the form or to include an interview <br /> of the candidates. <br /> Donna Baker said the form was revised in the past couple of years. She said, for these <br /> five boards, the suggestion was to have a separate application or add a section to the existing <br /> application. <br /> Commissioner Rich said that an interview process would allow for specific questions <br /> that could change as years go on, to address current issues. She said she is not as interested <br /> in changing the application as she is in getting Board members involved in an interview <br /> process. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she had made the petition. She does not have an idea of <br /> specific questions, but she is happy to work with the clerk on this. She feels that the current <br /> applications don't give enough information to make a decision for these particular boards. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the basic application could be kept and a supplemental <br /> section could be added that is tailored to each specific board. She is also willing to work to get <br /> this going. She feels this could be a quick process and could potentially be worked into the <br /> appointment process for the Planning Board. She feels the Board should not adjourn and <br /> leave those boards hanging over the break. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if these positions are currently interviewed for, and Chair <br /> Jacobs said no. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he feels that the Board should re-visit the purpose of this <br /> item. He is hesitant to do anything to make it harder to get on these boards. He does not feel <br /> that residents should have to have experience. He feels that if the process is made more <br /> complicated, people will be turned off, and there will be a more homogeneous group of <br /> volunteers. He said there are already applications that have been waiting for a year; and if <br /> there are vacancies, and there are applicants, then the spots should be filled. <br /> He clarified with Donna Baker that the only current requirements are that applicants live <br /> in the County and pay taxes. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin reviewed the current appointment process and said he feels <br /> there is some tension with the boards as to how this works. He said there should be a <br /> spreadsheet of information on all the applicants along with the number of vacancies that need <br /> to be filled. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said it sounds like Commissioner Dorosin is talking about <br /> advisory boards in-general, and she is talking about a few very specific boards. Each of these <br /> boards has a level of responsibility that advisory boards do not have. She said the vetting <br /> process is to ensure that the people can carry forth the responsibility. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is talking about all of the boards. He asked what kind of <br /> additional information is needed, and what makes a candidate qualified to be on the OWASA <br /> Board. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said there have been people who, according to other OWASA <br /> Board members, have not been able to carry out their duties, and this has been a problem. <br /> Commissioner Price asked for clarification on the responsibilities of the OWASA Board. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that OWASA sets policies and budgets and has a lot of <br /> the same responsibilities as the BOCC but only as it regards water and sewer. <br />