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Commissioner McKee said the whole purpose for the ASE is to increase the bottom line <br /> for farms. He is not impressed by the complexity of this proposal, and he is not supportive of <br /> this because of the complexity. He said the intent is to get the farmer closer to his customer. <br /> He said that by taking the rural buffer out, a huge section of Orange County has been <br /> eliminated. He said that the term "appropriate areas" is a code word for "not in my backyard." <br /> He said a lot of these facilities can be designed not to be obtrusive to the neighbors. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the Board cannot give direction tonight on the zoning <br /> methods. She would like to take the special use permit off the table. She said this should not <br /> be made so expensive if the goal is to support agricultural enterprise. She clarified that the <br /> zoning will only apply for enterprises that are not on a bona fide farm. She said the goal is to <br /> assist farmers with their land but also to promote small businesses that support these farmers. <br /> She would like comments to come back to the Board on what can be done to address some of <br /> the issues on the grid. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to the questions about revising home occupations. <br /> She said there also needs to be a discussion about the arts and culture communities. She <br /> said she has heard from a number of people regarding the restrictions, and many counties are <br /> less restrictive in their zoning regulations. She said there should be a focus on promoting <br /> appropriate scalable businesses in the entire rural area. <br /> Commissioner Rich said it would be helpful to see an example of a zoning project. It is <br /> more complicated than confusing. She is not convinced that the County needs to have certain <br /> businesses in the rural buffer. She would like to know what their partners think about the rural <br /> buffer, since there has been no conversation since the 2007 discussion. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she agrees with Commissioner Pelissier that there needs to be <br /> some consideration of the arts and cultural communities. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she is not talking about bona fide farms. She said it would <br /> make sense that if farmers are given a chance to do things that people generally have a <br /> consensus about, things will probably move further. She feels that trying for more intensive <br /> uses will only make things more complicated. She said she would start with lower impact uses; <br /> and if there is a desire to do something in the rural buffer then it is important to talk with their <br /> partners. She feels that the conversation should stick with Agricultural Support Enterprises <br /> only, rather than opening up everything related to the rural buffer. <br /> Commissioner Price said she feels strongly about#1, to ask staff to work on a <br /> comprehensive project and get it done. She said the focus should be to make things as easy <br /> as possible for people trying to farm. She said there needs to be some conversation with <br /> partners on the rural buffer. She said that thresholds, scales and intensities should be looked <br /> at. She said she remembers that there was a desire not to have meat slaughtering plants. She <br /> said the zoning method choices are too overwhelming. <br /> Commissioner Price said this discussion should stick with just farming for now, rather <br /> than enlarge the issue to include arts. She said that that issue won't sit within the ASE. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he agreed that more work should be done on #1 to make it more of <br /> an enabling process. He said it would be best to take out the most intensive uses. He said <br /> that the origin of this conversation was Maple View Farms, which technically was not allowed <br /> to be where it was built. He gave the history of the store and the process of building and <br /> permits in that case. He said it was a struggle to get it off the ground, and now it is a <br /> landmark operation. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that, for#2, he feels there should be a look at rural buffer; but a <br /> conversation should be had with the partners at AOG before moving forward. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he is not ready to address #4 until more information is gained. <br /> Chair Jacobs said, regarding which categories should not be encouraged, his only <br /> thought is the water quality critical areas. He said he has no problem with including the arts. <br />