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Perdita Holtz said that there is a list of uses in the permitted use table, allowed in each <br /> zoning use district and if a property is zoned to a General Use Districts, any of those uses can <br /> occur. There is no limit on the number. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked how one changes to a General Use District. <br /> Perdita Holtz said this is done through a re-zoning application. <br /> Perdita Holtz reviewed the re-zoning process of the new conditional zoning district and <br /> the new overlay district. She said ASE hopes to have this manual at the February 2014 <br /> Quarterly Public Hearing. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this process has been going on since 2001, and the Board would like <br /> to finally move forward; however it is alot for the new Commissioners to take in. He said the <br /> Board members should not feel compelled to give direction on all items tonight, and perhaps <br /> some items will need to be re-visited if further discussion is needed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification regarding the existing conditional use <br /> method. <br /> Perdita Holtz said that "conditional use" and "conditional zoning" districts are distinct <br /> from each other. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the previous wording of"existing" and "new" <br /> conditional use districts. <br /> Perdita Holtz said it would be a new conditional use district to address agricultural <br /> support enterprises. She said that none of the existing conditional zoning districts relate to <br /> agriculture. <br /> Commissioner Gordon pointed out some slight differences on the "BOCC Direction and <br /> Input" in the packet and the PowerPoint. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification on a list in the material from the <br /> agricultural board in their packet. She asked if the agricultural board wanted clarification on <br /> these items or if these were simply focus points. <br /> Perdita Holtz said she was not clear about the purpose of the list, other than a desire <br /> for input from staff. She said the matrix was put together to show that many of the concerns <br /> are not from a zoning standpoint, but that permits are still needed from environmental health or <br /> other county departments. <br /> Commissioner Gordon noted that it sounds as if this was just a request for clarification <br /> on these specific items. <br /> Craig Benedict said he attended the Agricultural Preservation Board meeting. He <br /> thinks this list is for clarification and differentiation between economic development issues, <br /> environmental health issues, building issues, and trade issues. He said this wasn't a complete <br /> list, but it was a list of unknowns. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said this is complex, and the Board should not assume there is <br /> surety about all of the directions and issues. She noted that the proposed uses go from lower <br /> to higher impact. She said there are uses that can go on large farms or lots such as Maple <br /> View Farms. She said the controversy comes in when these more commercial uses are placed <br /> near residential areas. She feels this has not been captured in the past. She said that in <br /> those places that are suburban, like the rural buffer, the best idea is to start small, as these <br /> areas can be fairly residential. <br /> Commissioner Price said the intent of this was to help the farmers and respect the rural <br /> heritage. She said few farmers can make a living solely through farming. She said the <br /> purpose was to make it easier for farmers to sell their products and to create co-ops. She said <br /> she has concerns about the 180 day limit; restroom requirements for road side stands; and <br /> trying to limit activities in a rural areas. She said there is a need to differentiate on some of the <br /> terms, and some of these things need to be allowed without going through conditional and <br /> special use processes. <br />