Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> AtU chment- 3 <br /> Summary of School Capital Project Ordinances <br /> Prior Project <br /> Appropriations Appropriation 1996-97 Total <br /> Orange County Schools <br /> Asbestos Removal $313,000 $0 $313,000 <br /> C. W. Stanford Refurbishment $1,285,000 $355,000 $1,640,000 <br /> Electric Service Upgrades $25,000 $100,000 $125,000 <br /> Environmental Testing $150,000 $0 $150,000 <br /> Future Project Reserve $10,563 $0 $10,563 <br /> Handicapped Accessibility (ADA) $270,000 $200,000 $470,000 <br /> Hillsborough Year-Round Elem $473,750 $537,500 $1,011,250 <br /> Orange H.S. Athletic Fields $0 $110,000 $110,000 <br /> Orange H.S. Renovations $308,000 $75,000 $383,000 <br /> Planning for Future Projects $0 $16,669 $16,669 <br /> Playground Protective Surfacing $60,000 $0 $60,000 <br /> Recurring Capital $140,581 $0 $140,581 <br /> Roofmg Projects $160,000 $296,635 $456,635 <br /> Technology Application Plan $3,825,000 $625,000 $4,450,000 <br /> Total Orange County Schools $7,020.894 $2.315,804 $9,336.698 <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br /> Abatement Projects $85,000 $25,000 $110,000 <br /> Americans w/Disabilities Act $50,000 $38,150 $88,150 <br /> Athletic Facilities/Playgrounds $75,000 $259,000 $334,000 <br /> Chapel Hill High Phase II $1,124,693 $563,105 $1,687,798 <br /> East Chapel Hill High School $22,438,604 $338,604 $22,777,208 <br /> McDougle Elementary School $11,529,904 $175,000 $11,704,904 <br /> McDougle Middle School $14,242,000 $0 $14,242,000 <br /> Planning for Future Projects $575,000 $0 $575,000 <br /> Recurring Capital $179,436 $0 $179,436 <br /> Renovations and Site Improvements $1,236,091 $0 $1,236,091 <br /> Renovations -Fire/Safety/Security $0 $21,800 $21,800 <br /> Renovations -Mechanical Systems $0 $74,898 $74,898 <br /> Renovations Glennwood Media Center $0 $100,000 $100,000 <br /> Reserve for Future Projects $20,000 $0 $20,000 <br /> Technology $1,492,502 $1,000,000 $2,492,502 <br /> Total Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools $53,048.230 $2,595,557 $55.643.787 <br /> Total 1996-97 School Capital Appropriations $60,069,124 $4,911,361 $64,980,485 <br />