Orange County NC Website
_ 2 <br /> oRANGF Memorandum <br /> pp <br /> `°""" ° Z To: Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br /> p - Chapel Hill Town Council <br /> O"M MUL of Orange County Commissioners <br /> `" From: SOCF Steering Committee <br /> FvruRS Date: June 17, 1996 <br /> Subject: Additional Appointments <br /> Thank you for your prompt confirmation of the Shaping Orange County's Future <br /> (SOCF) Task Force nominees sent to you in May. Your consideration and <br /> positive action in creating the task force illustrates the vision and commitment to <br /> this important project from all of the elected boards in our County. <br /> On June 13, the SOCF Steering Committee met and considered a number of <br /> matters. Foremost among those was a concern that the Task Force as presently <br /> constituted was unequal in terms of gender. Although great care was taken in <br /> balancing the many interests and backgrounds, only nine of the 26 persons <br /> appointed to the Task Force are women. <br /> After discussing the situation, the Steering Committee decided to ask each <br /> governing board to appoint four additional women members. In keeping with the <br /> previous procedure, the Steering Committee recommends four persons for <br /> confirmation to address this imbalance. These four are: <br /> Rhonda Pope, Cedar Grove Township <br /> Carole Crumley, Chapel Hill Township <br /> Susan Prothro Worley, Chapel Hill Township, and <br /> Linda Foxworth, Chapel Hill Township <br /> Additional information on each person is provided on the attached sheet. The <br /> addition of these four women will take the Task Force from 26 members to a total <br /> of 30, with 17 men and 13 women. <br /> A memo will be sent to each of the three managers asking that these four <br /> appointments be considered before the summer break- so that the Task Force <br /> may be finalized in time for a September start-up. <br /> Thank you once again for your consideration. <br /> copies: Cal Horton, Chapel Hill Town Manager <br /> John Link, Orange County manager <br /> Robert Morgan, Carrboro Town Manager <br />