Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> County of Orange, Historic Preservation Commission Rules of Procedure,Adopted April 22, 1992 <br /> i <br /> SECTIONS: Amendments to Rules of Procedure ` <br /> These rules may, within the limits allowed by law, be amended at any time by <br /> an affirmative vote of not less than five (5) members of the Commission, <br /> provided that such amendment shall have first been presented to the <br /> membership in writing at a regular or special meeting preceding the meeting at <br /> which the vote is taken. <br /> SECTION 6: Notification of Zoning Change/Permit Applications <br /> In order to facilitate the exercise of the Commission authority and <br /> responsibility in promoting, enhancing, and preserving the character and <br /> heritage of Orange County, the Commission requests that the Director of <br /> Planning notify the Commission of pending applications for zoning changes, <br /> use permits, variances and demolition permits, and proposed zoning text <br /> amendment or other proposals which affect properties in an existing or <br /> proposed historic district and/or structural and landscape resources of historic, <br /> architectural, archaeological, visual or cultural significance. <br /> ADOPTED: By unanimous vote of the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission <br /> on April 22, 1992. <br /> REVISIONS <br /> N/A : Revised to include Rules of Procedure for processing <br /> applications for Certificates of Appropriateness. <br /> N/A : Revised to include Rules of Procedure for processing <br /> applications for designation as Historic Landmark. <br /> N/A : Revised to include Rules of Procedure for processing <br /> applications for the designation of Historic Districts. <br /> 8 <br />