Orange County NC Website
i <br /> 6 <br /> County of Orange, Planning Hoard Rules of Procedure,Adopted January 4, 1983 <br /> b. technical evaluation. <br /> 3. Statements in support of the proposal. <br /> 4. Statements of opposition to the proposal. <br /> 5. Rebuttal statements by supporters. <br /> 6. Rebuttal statements by the opposition. <br /> 7. Board discussion. <br /> 8. Board action. <br /> Before beginning this procedure, the Planning Board may determine the maximum <br /> number of minutes to be allocated to each of the above items, with the constraint that <br /> supporters and opponents shall be given equal time. <br /> B. Hearings on Suecial Use Permits. and other Hearings Conducted by the <br /> Commissioners' Chair <br /> The hearings shall follow the procedures designated by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners. <br /> ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS <br /> These Rules of Procedure may, within the limits allowed by law, be amended at any time by <br /> an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the regular appointed members of the <br /> Board, provided that such amendment shall have first been presented to the membership in <br /> writing at a regular or special meeting preceding the meeting at which the vote is taken, and <br /> provided further, that any amendment shall be approved by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners in accordance with Section 2.2.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> 6 <br />