Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> :ounty of Orange, Planning Board Rules of Procedure,Adopted January 4, 1983 <br /> B. Special Meetin>s <br /> Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by the written request of at least three <br /> other members of the Planning Board. The notice of such a meeting shall specify the <br /> purposes of the meeting and no other business may be considered except by <br /> unanimous consent of the Planning Board members present. <br /> C. Meeting.Notice <br /> The Secretary shall give three days notice for both regular and special meetings. <br /> Except in extraordinary circumstances, there shall be a maximum of three meetings <br /> and/or hearings per month. <br /> D. Quorum <br /> A quorum shall consist of a majority of the regular appointed members of the <br /> Planning Board. <br /> A quorum shall be present for conduct of formal business. <br /> E. Voting <br /> "The vote of a majority of those members present shall be sufficient to decide all <br /> matters before the Planning Board, provided a quorum is present. Ex-officio <br /> members shall not vote. <br /> 1. No Planning Board members shall participate in the decision of any matter in <br /> which they have a personal financial interest. <br /> 2. Each member shall vote "yes" or "no" except when excused by the Chair. <br /> The Chair shall be entitled to the same voting privileges as any other member <br /> of the Board. <br /> F. Conduct of Meetings <br /> 1. Ann& All business to be considered shall be listed on the agenda. To <br /> secure such consideration, a request must be received by the Chair or <br /> Secretary at least seven days before any regular scheduled meeting. No other <br /> business may be considered except by unanimous consent of the Board <br /> members present. All special business or items not specifically noted on the <br /> regular meeting agenda may be deferred by the Planning Board until the next <br /> regular meeting date. <br /> 4 <br />