Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> i County of Orange, Planning Board Rules of Procedure, Adopted January 4, 1983 <br /> The Secretary, subject to the direction of the Chair and the Board, shall keep all <br /> minutes and records of the Planning Board, provide notice of the regular and special <br /> meetings to members, arrange proper and legal notice of hearings, attend to legal <br /> correspondence of the Board, and other such duties as are normally carried out by a <br /> secretary. The Planning Director shall not be eligible to vote. <br /> ARTICLE V - COMMITTEES <br /> A. The Planning Board may establish such standing or temporary committees as it may <br /> deem useful in its work. The members of these committees shall be appointed by the <br /> Chair of the Board. <br /> B. The Planning Board shall establish a committee on Ordinance Review which shall be <br /> responsible for a continuing review of ordinances related to the business of the <br /> Planning Board. The members of this Committee shall be appointed by the Chair of <br /> the Board. <br /> ARTICLE VI - TOWNSHIP ADVISORY COUNCILS <br /> A. The Planning Board shall recommend to the Board of County Commissioners the <br /> establishment and/or continuation of Township Advisory Councils, as provided in <br /> -Section 2.2.11 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br /> B. An Advisory Council shall be established for each township. It will be composed of <br /> residents of that township, who shall serve a term of two years. Members of the <br /> Advisory Council'can nominate new members, while any citizen of the County can <br /> recommend members for nomination. <br /> C. The members of the Councils shall be appointed by the Chair of the Planning Board <br /> upon approval by the Planning Board. <br /> D. A member of the Planning Board from each township shall serve as liaison to the <br /> appropriate Advisory Council. <br /> ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS <br /> A. Regular Meetings <br /> Regular meetings of the Planning Board shall be held the third Monday of each month <br /> at 7:30 p.m. at the Courthouse in Hillsborough or other place within Orange County <br /> designated by the Chair. The meetings shall adjourn not later than 10:30 p.m. unless <br /> extended for the meeting in session by vote of the Board. <br /> 3 <br />