Orange County NC Website
r "1 <br /> For the period July 1, 1995 through May 31, 1996 there was a 3.68 <br /> percent utilization rate of employees and dependents who accessed the <br /> EAP for face to face counseling sessions. In addition to the face-to-face <br /> counseling sessions provided to employees, the EAP has provided <br /> telephone consultation to the Personnel Department and various <br /> supervisors in the County on prevention/intervention strategies to use in <br /> managing situations in which employee personal problems affect the <br /> workplace. <br /> In addition to providing services to individual employees, the EAP also <br /> provides group counseling to employees and supervisors in such <br /> situations as when guidance is needed on how to interact with a co- <br /> worker experiencing problems of mental illness. In one such situation, <br /> this has been reported to be of great benefit to staff who gained <br /> confidence in how to appropriately respond to the employee. In <br /> addition, the EAP has provided two supervisory training sessions for <br /> approximately 50 Orange County supervisors on supervising employees <br /> with mental health concerns. <br /> The Attachment 1 Contract Amendment provides for continuation of the <br /> original Agreement and succeeding amendments. This includes: <br /> 1. Continuation of the Town of Hillsborough as a Sub& oup <br /> Because of its size,the Town of Hillsborough has not been able <br /> to independently identify an EAP provider. In 1993 the Board <br /> approved including the Town as a subgroup on Orange County's <br /> EAP contract. Attachment 2 is a draft updated memorandum of <br /> agreement with the Town. <br /> Under the agreement, the County invoices and collects payment <br /> from the Town for the annual Town share of the EAP cost <br /> (estimated at $1468). HAI provides an annual report to the <br /> Town on its utilization. <br /> The inclusion of the Town has no adverse impact on the County's <br /> EAP rate or level of service. <br /> 2. EAP Rate <br /> The annual EAP rate remains at $1.80 per employee per <br /> month. The annual estimated cost of the EAP is$12,312. Funds <br /> for the Employee Assistance Program are included in the <br /> 1996-97 budget. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends the Board authorize the Board Chair to sign <br /> the contract amendment with Human Affairs International to continue <br /> the Employee Assistance Program for 1996-97. <br />