Orange County NC Website
6x4V% 11:18 AM <br /> MSCAMP.XLS IMMUN <br /> Middle School Enrichment Camp <br /> Grant Project Ordinance <br /> Project Number 11-657 <br /> Be it ordained by the.Orange County Board of County Commissioners that pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 <br /> of the General Statutes of North Carolina,the following grant project is hereby adopted. <br /> Section 1. The project authorized is the middle school enrichment camp as awarded to Orange County's Cooperative <br /> Extension by North Carolina State University. This project will also have off-setting revenues <br /> from fees charged to program participants. The purpose of this grant is to provide supervised safe, affordable, <br /> and enriching environments for youths(ages 10 to 14)to build interpersonal skills and provide positve growth <br /> experiences. <br /> Section 2. The officers of the County are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project within the grant document, <br /> the rules and regulations of the State of North Carolina and the budget contained herein. <br /> Section 3. The following revenue is anticipated to be available to complete this project: <br /> North Carolina State University $60,000 <br /> Orange County Schools $5,000 <br /> Participant Fees $47.000 <br /> Total Revenue $112,000 <br /> Section 4. The following amount is appropriated for this project: <br /> Human Services-Middle School Enrichment Camp $112,000 <br /> Section 5. The finance officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Grant Project sufficient specific detailed <br /> accounting records to provide the accounting to the grantor agency required by the grant agreement and <br /> federal and state regulations. <br /> Section 6. Funds may be advanced from the General Fund for the purpose of making payments due. Reimbursement <br /> requests should be made to the grantor agency in an orderly and timely manner. <br /> Section 7. Copies of this grant project ordinance shall be made available to the finance officer for direction in carrying <br /> out this project. <br /> Section 8. There are no permanent positions associated with this grant. <br /> Section 9. This project period begins February 20, 1996 and goes through June 30, 1997. <br /> Adoptedthis26th day of June, 1996 <br />