Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> Orange County <br /> Board of County Commissioners <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No vIX—F <br /> Action Agenda Item Abstract <br /> Meeting Date: June 26, 1996 <br /> Subject: Budget Amendment#9 <br /> Department Budget Office Public Hearing Yes No x <br /> Attachment(s) Information Contact <br /> Proposed Budget Ordinance Budget Office,ext.2150 <br /> Amendment <br /> Telephone and Extension Number <br /> Proposed Grant Project Ordinance Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Proposed Capital Project Ordinances Durham 688-7331 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Purpose <br /> To approve proposed budget ordinance amendment and grant and capital project ordinances. <br /> Background <br /> Board of Elections <br /> 1 . On March 26, 1996,the Orange County Board of Elections held a recall election for a Town of <br /> Carrboro Town Council seat. The Town has reimbursed Orange County$4,288 for the full cost <br /> of this election. This amendment,reflected in block#1,page 4, budgets for the receipt of these <br /> unanticipated funds. <br /> Planning Department <br /> 2. The Planning Department has received a Transportation Planning Grant in the amount of <br /> $10,965. These funds will be used to off set costs associated with regional transportation <br /> planning and transit planning. Block#2 on page 4 provides for the receipt of these monies. <br /> 3. Funds were included($42,588) in the Non-Departmental function of the general fund budget for <br /> the County's share of the Shaping Orange County's Future project. Since this is a multi-year <br /> project,funded by the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro as well as the County,the project <br /> will be accounted for in the grant project fund,with the County's share of the cost being <br /> transferred from the General Fund. For the 1996-97 fiscal year,an additional$7,369 is being <br /> transferred from the General Fund. This amendment (block#3,page 4) makes the technical <br /> changes to allow this transfer for 1995-96. The attached grant project ordinance establishes the <br /> project in the grant project fund. <br /> Department of Social Services <br /> 4. Additional State daycare funds,totaling$124,340 have been received by the Department of Social <br /> Services. These monies enable the department to assist families who are on waiting lists for <br /> daycare services. This budget amendment,shown in block#4,page 4,will bring Orange <br /> County's total State daycare allocation to$865,270. <br />