Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> May 31, 1996 <br /> The Board of County Commissioners <br /> Page 2 <br /> Our audit will be conducted in accordance with the following standards: <br /> • Generally accepted auditing standards <br /> • Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States <br /> • Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128,Audits of State and Local Governments dated <br /> April 12, 1985 <br /> • State Single Audit Implementation Act. <br /> The objective of an audit carried out in accordance with these standards and regulations is (i)the <br /> expression of our opinion concerning whether the general purpose financial statements present fairly, <br /> in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of the proprietary <br /> fund type of the organization in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, (ii) <br /> whether the schedule of federal and state financial assistance is presented fairly in relation to the <br /> general purpose financial statements taken as a whole, (iii)the reporting on our determination <br /> whether the internal control structure provides reasonable assurance of compliance with federal and <br /> other laws and regulations; and (iv) the expression of an opinion on whether the organization <br /> complied with specific terms and conditions of its major federal and state award programs. <br /> Our audit will include tests of the accounting records of Orange County and such other procedures as <br /> we consider necessary to enable us to render the following reports: <br /> • Opinion on whether Orange County's general purpose financial statements are fairly presented, <br /> in all material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles <br /> • Report on the internal control structure related to our audit of the general purpose financial <br /> statements <br /> • Report on compliance with laws and regulations with which noncompliance may be material to <br /> the general purpose financial statements <br /> • Report on the Schedule of Federal and State Financial Assistance <br /> • Report on the internal control structure used in administering federal and state financial <br /> assistance programs <br />