Orange County NC Website
10. The contract should be executed and submitted is triplicate to the Bern 3 <br /> trip racy of the Local Government <br /> A Commission,325 North Salisbury Street,Raleigh,North Carolina 27603-1385. <br /> 11. Upon approval,the original contract will be returned to the Governmental Unit, a copy will be forwarded to <br /> the Auditor,and a copy retained by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission.The audit should not <br /> be started before the contract is approved. <br /> 12. This contract contemplates an unqualified opinion being rendered Any limitations or restrictions in ape <br /> which would lead to a qualification should be fully explained in an attachment to this contract. Contracts with <br /> such limitations will not be approved unless satisfactory explanation is made. <br /> 13. If an approved contract needs to be varied or changed,the change must be reduced to writing,signed by both <br /> parties, preaudited if necessary, and submitted to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission for <br /> approval.No change shall be effective unless approved by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, <br /> the Governing Board,and the Auditor. <br /> 14. A separate contract should not be made for each division to be audited or report to be submitted.The scope of <br /> the audit and the fee for the audit should be clearly stated. A separate contract must be executed for each <br /> component unit which is a local government and for which a separate audit report is issued. <br /> 15. The Auditor shall file three copies of the report of audit(four copies for councils of governments,one copy if no <br /> single audit is required) with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission when (or prior to) <br /> submitting the invoice for the services rendered.The report of audit, as filed with the Secretary of the Local <br /> Government Commission, becomes a matter of public record for inspection and review in the offices of the <br /> Secretary by any interested parties.Any subsequent revisions to these reports must be sent to the Secretary <br /> of the Local Government Commission. These reports are used in the preparation of Official Statements for <br /> debt offerings,by municipal bond rating services,and to fulfill secondary market disclosure requirements of <br /> the Securities and Exchange Commission. <br /> 16. There are no special provisions except: See attached engagement letter <br /> 17. Whenever the Auditor uses an engagement letter with the client, Items 8 and 16 should be completed by <br /> referencing the engagement letter and attaching a copy of the engagement letter to the contract to incorporate <br /> the engagement letter into the contract.In case of conflict between the terms of the engagement letter and the <br /> terms of this contract,the terms of this contract will control.Engagement letter terms w deemed to be void <br /> unless the conflicting terms of this contract are specifically deleted in Item 21 of this contract. <br /> 18. A Governmental Unit not having a single audit an federal and Stue funds woold list Item 7 in Item 21 of the <br /> contract as being a deleted provision.An explanation must be riven in Item 21 for any Governmental Unit not <br /> recei%ing s single audit on federal and State funds(e.g.,a single audit is not required under the Federal and <br /> State Single Audit Acts and is not being performed). <br /> 19. If this audit engagement is subject to the standards for audit as defined in the Government Auditing <br /> Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States,then the Auditor warrants by accepting <br /> this engagement that he/she will meet the requirements for an extornal quality control review and continuing <br /> education requirements specified in the Government Auditing Standards. The Auditor agrees to provide a <br /> copy of their most recent external quality control review report to the Governmental Unit and the Secretary of <br /> the Local Government Commission. <br /> 20. There are no other agreements between the parties hereto and no other agreements relative hereto that shall <br /> be enforceable unless entered into in accordance with the procedure set out herein and approved by the <br /> Secretary of the Local Government Commission. <br /> 21. AU of the above paragraphs are understood and shall apply to this agreement,eaoept the following numbered <br /> paragraphs shall be deleted.(See Items 17 and 18.) <br /> D l oitte f: Touche L.L•P Orange County <br /> Am"fire Gs.aamsaW Uait <br /> By K. Alan Lonbom BY Moses Carey, Jr., Chairman <br /> ie castaa .) ',plee..trye.ryamta,m..adyiltl <br /> roved M tae erhe Ideal Government This hwa%rent has been pnandited In the oved rovitide 9, tar 159 of required by The Ion) Government Budget sad Fiscal <br /> the General statwes or Article 31.Part ,Chapter Coatrd Ant or by the school Budget and Fisnl Control <br /> 115C of the General statutes. Act. <br /> Kenneth T. Chavious <br /> Far the Smw-ry,lm W osaeramew C n mimoa oerasonew Uaa Fmsaw onew O%w type er pram. <br /> ctiKs.tun) t8igaraty) <br /> Date Date <br />