Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> Standards of Approval <br /> a) General Operation <br /> (1) One sign no larger than two sQuare feet in area is po itte <br /> (2) No equipment or process shall be employed that will cause noise <br /> vibration. glare. odor or electrical interference detectable to the normal <br /> senses at the lot lines in the case of detached dwelling units or outsid <br /> the dwelling unit in the case of attached dwelling units, <br /> (3) The on-premises sale and delivery of goods which are not produced nn <br /> the premises is =hibited. except in the case of the delivery and sale of <br /> goods incidental to the provision of a service <br /> (4) The owner or operator of the home occupation must live in a residence <br /> located on the same zoning lot as the home occupation No more than <br /> two (2) individuals not living in the residence may work in the home <br /> occupation. <br /> (5) In all residential districts excgZ RB, AR and R-1, no more than 35% <br /> of the floor area of the dwelling unit or 500 square feet whichever is <br /> less.may be used for the home occupation. <br /> b) Limitations on Traffic Generation <br /> (1) Traffic generated by visitors, customers, or deliveries shall not exceed <br /> more than two business trips = hour. more than eight trips = day, <br /> or more than two deliveries of products or materials per week <br /> (2) Parking generated by the home occupation shall he met off the street <br /> and other than in a= it d yard area. <br /> (3) There shall be no use of a vehicle with a load capacity in excess of <br /> three-Quarter tons in connection with the home occupation including <br /> vehicles used for delivery or pick-up . Vehicles with the permitted load <br /> capacity generally include large pick-up trucks,, and delivery trucks <br /> and vans such as those used by LIPS, but would not include vehicles <br /> such as tractor trailers or dumn trucks- <br />