Orange County NC Website
t e <br /> ORANGE 'COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> MEETING SUMMARY <br /> WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1996 <br /> NOTE: This summary is organized according to the meeting agenda and <br /> includes items which require Board and staff follow-up. <br /> Items not on the printed agenda appear where they occurred. <br /> See the meeting' s agenda and abstracts in the Clerk' s <br /> Office--732-8181, ext . 2130 for any background material you <br /> may desire. <br /> I. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (7 :30-7 :35) <br /> -- Consent Item VIII-D was deleted. <br /> -- Consent Item VIII-A: two appointements added. <br /> -- Public Hearing Item VII-D: revised recommendation and <br /> attachments accepted. <br /> II. AUDIENCE COMMENTS (7 :35-7 :40) <br /> A. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> B. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> III. BOARD COMMENTS (7 :40-7 :45) <br /> -- Letter to go to the Legislature regarding not paying a <br /> budget. <br /> IV. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT (7 :45-7 :50) <br /> V. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS (7 : 50-8 : 00) - All approved <br /> A. Resolution Deploring the Burnings of Black Churches and <br /> Calling for Community Solidarity in Opposing such Unlawful <br /> Acts <br /> B. Certificate of -Recognition for W. Everett Billingsley <br /> VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (8 : 00-8 : 05) <br /> A. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award - Award presented <br /> VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS (8 : 05-8 :40) <br /> A. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment--Article 6 . 16 . 6 Home <br /> Occupations - Held; referred to Planning Board for <br /> recommentation. <br /> B. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment--Article 8 . 8 .24 <br /> Historic Structures - Held; referred to Planning Board for <br /> recommendation. <br /> C. Proposed Subdivision Regulations Text Amendment--Action <br /> Subsequent to Subdivision Approval - Held; referred to <br /> Planning Board for recommendation. <br /> D. Public Hearing and Resolution on 501/503 W. Franklin <br /> Financing - Held; approved Manager' s recommendation. <br />