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• to recommend to the LOG a site or sites- for the next landfill <br /> • to attend all meetings of the LSC and remain involved <br /> throughout the site search process <br /> From the final recommended site (s) , the LOG would select one site <br /> and recommend its purchase to the elected officials of the three <br /> governing boards . The three governments of the LOG would then <br /> approve the site and pursue its acquisition and rezoning for a <br /> landfill. <br /> The Landfill Search Committee has held 29 meetings since April <br /> 1990, all open to the public and announced in advance. Six of <br /> these meetings were public input meetings which were announced with <br /> paid advertising that encouraged the public to attend, ask <br /> questions and offer additional information. In 1991, the LSC was <br /> given windshield tours of the original 16 sites, a walkover of the <br /> Greene Tract (OC-3) and a tour of the existing landfill. <br /> The delay between the June 24, 1992, meeting and the March 8, 1995, <br /> meeting, was due to the Owners Group' s need to gain authorization <br /> from the property owners and, in some cases, the elected boards to <br /> allow Joyce Engineering and Bain Palmer & Associates to conduct the <br /> on-site geotechnical investigations and subsequently conducting the <br /> investigations . <br /> On February 24, 1995, Joyce Engineering, Inc. issued the "Report of <br /> Preliminary Engineering Evaluations" which presented their <br /> evaluation of the regulatory and technical issues related to the <br /> four final sites selected by the LSC. No "fatal flaws" were found <br /> at any of the four sites . A recommended order of preference based <br /> on the technical and regulatory issues was presented as follows : <br /> OC-17, OC-2, OC-9 and OC-11. <br /> Four meetings of the LSC were held in March and April, 1995 so that <br /> the technical issues could be presented by the consultants and <br /> citizen comments could be received. The LSC voted in the meeting <br /> of April 27, 1995 to recommend to the Owners Group site OC-17 and <br /> to remove the other three sites from the list of potential sites. <br /> The LOG sponsored a public hearing on September 28, 1995 to receive <br /> comments on the final four sites under consideration in preparation <br /> for making it' s final recommendation to the governing boards . On <br /> October 19, 1995, the Owners Group considered a staff report which <br /> requested that a final landfill site be decided and that a <br /> recommendation be presented to the governing boards. Discussions <br /> were to be continued until a decision was finalized. <br /> At the November 16 meeting, an Owners Group majority favored <br /> recommending some portion of site OC-17 as the site of the next <br /> landfill . The Owners Group also proposed a set of principles <br /> related to the selection, including setting a waste reduction goal <br />