Orange County NC Website
h) bidding, contracting for and constructina initial <br /> cells for disposal of solid waste . <br /> Any of these steps could face delays due to unanticipated <br /> problems or legal challenges . The attached timetable has been <br /> prepared by Joyce Engineering, the Landfill' s engineering <br /> consultant to provide estimates on how some of these steps could <br /> proceed. <br /> Estimates as to how long administrative appeals in a <br /> permitting process could be extended if challenges were brought <br /> would be difficult to establish. Likewise, if it is necessary to <br /> initiate eminent domain proceedings to acquire properties , <br /> acquisition of title to property could be delayed by court order <br /> for some period of time . <br /> Conclusion <br /> The local governments and citizens of Orange County have been <br /> engaged in a process for several years which may lead to the <br /> selection of a site and construction of a new landfill for Orange <br /> County. The steps identified in this memorandum are required in <br /> order for that process to continue to move forward. <br /> 6 <br />