Agenda - 09-17-2013 - 5j
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 09-17-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-17-2013 - 5j
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Attachment 2: Draft Burlington- Graham MPO Priority Project Descriptions and Staff Recommendations <br />Map ID <br />Project <br />Project Description <br />New /Existing <br />Previous Project Score/ <br />Staff Recommendation <br />#* <br />Project <br />Rank <br />-85 Frontage <br />Construct two(2) -lane frontage road on south side of 1 -85 from Ben Wilson Road to Mattress Factory/West Ten Road to <br />New Highway <br />Submit to BGMPO for SPOT 3.0 <br />scoring and consideration of inclusion <br />Road <br />provide localized access to properties planned for future economic development and to improve local connectivity and <br />Project <br />N/A <br />as a highway in the BGMPO LRTP <br />circulation between interchanges south of -85. <br />and TIP as Promect Priority #1. <br />Construct new interchange at existing grade- separated crossing of Mattress Factory Road and 1- 40/1 -85 to relieve existing <br />and /or future expected congestion on projected under - capacity existing interchanges at 1- 40/1 -85 and Mebane Oaks Road <br />and 1- 40/1 -85 and Buckhorn Road and to serve existing and future growth in the specific area around the proposed <br />interchange. The proposed interchange would address both traffic capacity deficiencies and reduce crashes related to <br />congestion on parallel thoroughfares. The new interchange would also be an opportunity to provide pedestrian and biking <br />facilities across 1- 40/1 -85 that do not currently exist in the Mebane area. <br />Existing Highway <br />Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as a project <br />Mobility Project <br />within the BGMPO planning area as a <br />Submit to BGMPO for SPOT 3.0 <br />Mattress <br />Specific improvements associated with the interchange include: <br />submitted through <br />Subregional Highway Mobility project. Ranked <br />ring and consideration of inclusion <br />scoring <br />2 <br />Factory Road <br />the BGMPO for <br />378/382 for all Subregional Highway Mobility <br />highway project in the BGMPO <br />Interchange <br />Modified diamond interchange with a loop ramp in the southeast quadrant for I -40 eastbound exiting vehicles; <br />scoring in SPOT <br />projects scored in the state Project is <br />. <br />TIP as proiect priority #2. <br />Five (5) -lane roadway section on Mattress Factory Road at the proposed interchange; <br />2.0 by other <br />anticipated to rank very low again for SPOT <br />One bridge structure with a five (5) -lane section and bike /ped accommodations; <br />jurisdiction <br />3.0. <br />• Traffic signals installed on Mattress Factory Road at the ramp intersection and Oakwood Street with coordinated <br />signals; and <br />• Industrial Drive realignment to intersect Mattress factory Road either across from Oakwood Street or further <br />north. <br />Extend Mattress Factory Road northward a distance of approximately 240 feet across East Washington Street and the <br />Mattress <br />NCRRiNorfolk Southern railroad right -of -way to intersect U.S. 70 at a 90 degree angle. The project would also call for the <br />Submit to BGMPO for SPO T 3.0 <br />Factory Road <br />closure of the existing railroad crossover road connecting East Washington Street and U.S. 70 approximately 240 feet to <br />New Highway <br />scoring and consideration of inclusion <br />3 <br />extension to <br />the east that currently provides access across the railroad right -of -way to U.S. 70. The project would decrease travel time <br />Project <br />NIA <br />as a highway project in the BGMPO <br />U.S. 70 <br />from points along Mattress Factory Road to access U.S. 70, would provide more direct north -south access across the <br />TIP as proiect priority #3. <br />existing railroad right -of -way, and eliminate inconvenient turning movements for motorists and trucks serving existing and <br />future industrial uses south of U.S. 70 and along Mattress Factory Road. <br />Park - and -Ride <br />New Transit <br />Lot in the <br />Buckhorn <br />Orange County requests funding for a park- and -ride facility to be located in the Buckhorn Economic Development District <br />Project" <br />(Submitted <br />Ranked 10/17 among all DCHC MPO transit <br />projects scored. Final rank with MPO scores <br />Submit to BGMPO for SPOT 3.0 <br />Economic <br />(EDD) /Mebane area for a cross - county bus route from Mebane to Durham to collect ridership in eastern Alamance and <br />previously as a <br />Transportation <br />and Ttation Advisory Committee (TAC)- <br />scoring and consideration of inclusion <br />4 <br />Development <br />western Orange Counties as indicated in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP). The park- and -ride <br />park- and -ride <br />assigned points was 14/17. Project received no <br />in the BGMPO LRTP and TIP <br />District <br />facility will provide a transit connection to an area with a growing commuting presence to and from the Triangle Region. A <br />facility project <br />points from the TAC for the DCHC MPO draft <br />as proiect priority #4 as a transit <br />(EDD) /Mebane <br />variation of this project was previously submitted through the Durham - Chapel Hill- Carrboro DCHC MPO for scoring. <br />specifically in the <br />2014 -2020 TIP priority list. <br />capital facilities project. <br />area <br />Buckhorn EDD) <br />DCHC bike project ranked 19/20 among all <br />DCHC MPO bike projects scored and 19/20 in <br />Widen Buckhorn Road from U.S. 70 to West Ten Road (SR 1144) to multi -lanes with bicycle and pedestrian facilities. <br />final ranking for the DCHC MPO draft 2014 - <br />2020 TIP priority list. <br />This segment of roadway is over 95% within the BGMPO planning area and borders the western boundary of the 1 -40/1- <br />Existing Highway <br />Submit to BGMPO for SPOT 3.0 <br />Buckhorn Road <br />85- Buckhorn Road EDD. This area is the focus of a growing problem of traffic backing upon the northbound exit ramps o f <br />Mobility project to <br />Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as a project <br />scoring and consideration of inclusion <br />5 <br />(SR 1114) <br />I- 40/I -85 onto southbound Buckhorn Road and at a left turn into a nonconforming business use just south of the <br />be resubmitted <br />within the BGMPO planning area as a <br />as a highway project in the BGMPO <br />Widening <br />interchange. Orange County has extended water and sewer to this area to serve public facilities and to increase the <br />through BGMPO <br />Subregional Highway Mobility project. Ranked <br />LRTP (amend project limits) and TIP <br />attractiveness of the EDD for development. The project was previously submitted through the DCHC MPO as a bike <br />272/382 for all Subregional Highway Mobility <br />as proiect priority #5. <br />project requesting four (4) -foot paved bike lanes when Buckhorn Road was located within that MPO's planning area. <br />projects scored in the state. Project is <br />anticipated to rank lower (313/382) for SPOT <br />3.0. <br />Submit to BGMPO for SPOT 3.0 <br />Construct four (4) -foot bicycle lanes from N. Frazier Road to Stagecoach Road with pedestrian /sidewalk facilities from <br />New Highway <br />scoring and consideration of inclusion <br />Saddle Club Road to Stagecoach Road. At its eastern terminus, the bicycle improvements would connect to future <br />Bik ct t <br />c <br />project <br />in the BGMPO LRTP (amend project <br />6 <br />Lebanon Road <br />planned bicycle improvements indicated in the DCHC MPO MTP on Lebanon Road. Both the bicycle lanes and sidewalk <br />depending on <br />Pend <br />N/A <br />limits) TIP as proiect priority #6. The <br />improvements would provide multi -modal mobility and access to existing and future planned origins and destinations <br />cost <br />project will be submitted as either a <br />along Lebanon Road. <br />highway project or bike /ped project <br />depending on cost.— <br />*Map ID Number corresponds to the general location of each project on Attachment 3: Burlington- Graham MPO Project List Map. <br />No transit projects previously submitted will be scored automatically in the SPOT 3.0 process. All transit projects will be considered new projects. <br />" *Bike /ped projects that are greater than $1,000,000 in cost are submitted as highway projects and are scored using the highway scoring methodology. Project will likely exceed $1,000,000. <br />
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