Orange County NC Website
3 <br />The County Manager subsequently suggested staff investigate the feasibility of incorporating an <br />additional project (project priority #3) into the project priority list for submission to the BGMPO based <br />on his knowledge of economic development initiatives in the portion of Orange County within the <br />BGMPO planning area. After further investigation, planning staff agrees that the project suggested <br />by the Manager is a viable project to submit in Orange County's project priority list for BGMPO. This <br />project was added to Attachments 1, 2 and 3 and is set apart from the rest of the text in Attachments <br />1 and 2 in italics. This project was not considered by the OUTBoard and was not included in its <br />recommended list for approval /endorsement. <br />Attachment 1 is a draft resolution for the BOCC to approve /endorse the OUTBoard- approved project <br />priority list as well as the project suggested by the Manager to submit to the BGMPO for <br />scoring /ranking and for consideration of inclusion in BGMPO's Metropolitan Transportation <br />Improvement Program (MTIP), and by extension, the STIR Attachment 2 contains a more detailed <br />description of each project, each project's history of previous consideration or ranking, and staff's <br />prioritization recommendation for projects proposed within BGMPO's planning area. Attachment 3 is <br />a map depicting the locations of these projects within the portion of the BGMPO planning area within <br />Orange County. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no immediate financial impact associated with this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve /endorse the resolution <br />(Attachment 1) to submit priority transportation projects to the BGMPO. <br />