Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> Burlington which will execute appropriate agreements with funding agencies as provided by <br /> the Planning Work Program. <br /> 13. The Transportation Advisory Committee(TAC) and the Technical Coordinating Committee <br /> (TCC), as well as any established sub-committees are responsible for carrying out the <br /> provisions on North Carolina G.S. Chapter 143, Article 33C regarding open meetings, and <br /> Chapter 132 regarding public records. A quorum is required for transaction of all business, <br /> including conducting meetings or hearings, participating in deliberations, or voting upon or <br /> otherwise transacting public business. A quorum consists of 51% of the members of the <br /> TAC or TCC, plus as many additional members as may be required to ensure that 51% of <br /> possible votes are present. An alternate may be appointed to attend meetings should the <br /> member not be able to attend. Alternates should be identified by name on the meeting <br /> attendance log. Vacant seats will not count against the quorum. Electronic meetings and <br /> voting ARE allowed as long as proper public notice is given and meeting materials are <br /> available to the public upon request. <br /> SECTION 2: Subscribing agencies to this Memorandum of Understanding may terminate their <br /> participation in the Continuing Transportation Planning Process by giving sixty days written notice <br /> to other parties prior to the date of termination. It is further agreed that these agencies will assist in <br /> the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and other requested <br /> information. Additionally, these agencies shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval in <br /> accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan(s). <br /> SECTION 3: This Amended Memorandum of Understanding supersedes and replaces any prior <br /> memorandum(s)of understanding between the parties regarding the Burlington-Graham MPO. <br /> SECTION 4: In witness whereof, the parties of this Memorandum of Understanding have been <br /> authorized by appropriate and proper resolutions to sign the same, the City of Burlington by its <br /> Mayor, the City of Graham by its Mayor, the Town of Elon by its Mayor, the Town of Gibsonville <br /> by its Mayor, the City of Mebane by its Mayor, the Town of Haw River by its Mayor, the Town of <br /> Whitsett by its Mayor, the Town of Green Level by its Mayor, Village of Alamance by its Mayor, <br /> Alamance County by its Chair of the Board of Commissioners, Guilford County by its Chair of the <br /> Board of Commissioners, Orange County by its Chair of the Board of Commissioners, and the <br /> Department of Transportation by the Secretary of Transportation. This day <br /> of , 2013. <br />