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15 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said her concern is that it is deleted in the fee schedule. <br /> 2 Frank Clifton said a fee was not created. He said it would likely end up being an <br /> 3 agreement with the individual hauler, and the established fee would come before the Board for <br /> 4 approval. <br /> 5 Commissioner Price asked where the haulers would go if this budget is passed as is. <br /> 6 Gayle Wilson said the current policy does not allow small haulers to use convenience <br /> 7 centers. He said the new site and concept are not designed for commercial loads. He said he <br /> 8 spoke with DENR, and he was told that if commercial loads are accepted at convenience <br /> 9 centers, these centers will likely have to be permitted as transfer stations. He said there are <br /> 10 significant regulatory issues with this. <br /> 11 Commissioner Price said she has also spoken with the Efland Trash Service owner, and <br /> 12 she does not feel that these haulers have commercial size loads. She said these are not much <br /> 13 larger than a normal load. She asked for staff follow up on this issue. <br /> 14 Chair Jacobs asked Gayle Wilson to contact known haulers to see where their waste is <br /> 15 being taken and how many people are being served; and then talk with them about state <br /> 16 regulations. He asked for the results of this to be brought back to Board of County <br /> 17 Commissioners. <br /> 18 Commissioner McKee said, with the closing of landfill and the transfer of two employees <br /> 19 to recycling, he assumes it is taking more employees to operate that site. <br /> 20 Gayle Wilson said due to size of the site, there have been three instead of two <br /> 21 employees. He hopes that once residents are trained in use, the staff can be cut down to two. <br /> 22 Commissioner McKee said the biggest problem he has with this proposal is the increase <br /> 23 of the sanitation household fee. He asked why urban had a $10 increase and rural had a $20 <br /> 24 increase. <br /> 25 Gayle Wilson said the rural residents use the convenience centers more than urban <br /> 26 residents, so this was reflected in the fee difference. <br /> 27 He said he is willing to look at this again, but he feels this is a fair spread based on past <br /> 28 studies regarding use. <br /> 29 Commissioner McKee said all residents do not get the same amount of services for their <br /> 30 tax dollars. He said a fee is a tax by a different means. He said there seems to be a <br /> 31 disproportionate slant against the rural population. <br /> 32 Gayle Wilson said staff feels it is proportionate. <br /> 33 Chair Jacobs referred to the 2013-14 objectives and the captured percentage numbers <br /> 34 for household waste, plastic, and food waste. He asked if there is an objective of capturing a <br /> 35 certain percentage of food waste. <br /> 36 Gayle Wilson said this is so new and unique that it would have been a guess. He said <br /> 37 staff would like to have a year of experience before making projections. <br /> 38 Chair Jacobs said there was an objective regarding regional composting. He hopes the <br /> 39 county can get to a place of doing its own local food composting in a closed loop system. <br /> 40 Gayle Wilson said staff has given this a lot of thought and there are plans to include <br /> 41 food waste at the Eubanks site. He said the problem with composting is the need for a proper <br /> 42 place to do it. He said siting issues have brought down many good ideas. <br /> 43 Chair Jacobs said he hopes the department has learned from the Walnut Grove <br /> 44 experience and can apply this at the Eubanks Convenience Center. He asked for examples of <br /> 45 this. <br /> 46 Gayle Wilson said one lesson learned is with regard to the the concrete pad. He said <br /> 47 these were not made long enough and had to be lengthened; so the pads will be made longer <br /> 48 at Eubanks. He said there were some water issues with the canopies that cover sheds, and <br /> 49 staff now knows that gutters need to be added to these. He said there will also be a need to <br /> 50 address some issues with attendants and how things are grouped together in the new center. <br />