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14 <br /> 1 Convenience Center (SWCC). The department requested $197,282 for the replacement <br /> 2 of a hook lift collection vehicle, but this is not included in the Manager Recommended <br /> 3 Budget for FY 2013-14. <br /> 4 The FY 2013-14 Manager Recommended Budget includes an Increase in the Sanitation <br /> 5 household fee (Multi-family from $2 to $4, Urban from $10 to $20 and Rural from $20 to <br /> 6 $40) to partially fund SWCC improvements, hauling to the Durham Transfer Station and <br /> 7 the expanded hours on Thursdays at the Walnut Grove and Eubanks Road SWCCs. <br /> 8 These fee increases are consistent with the phased in process to transition the <br /> 9 Sanitation division from being fully funded by the General Fund to being funded <br /> 10 eventually by the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. <br /> 11 Expand operational hours at the Walnut Grove and Eubanks Road SWCCs by opening <br /> 12 on Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. effective Thursday, September 5, 2013. <br /> 13 The General Fund contribution to Sanitation for FY 2013-14 is $1,869,496; this <br /> 14 represents an increase of$275,270 from FY 2012-13. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Frank Clifton said, with the closure of landfill, the department decided to add another <br /> 17 day to the solid waste convenience centers. He said the current proposal has convenience <br /> 18 centers closed on Wednesdays only and re-opens the centers on Thursday. <br /> 19 Darryl Butts reviewed the budget highlights listed above. <br /> 20 Frank Clifton said the landfill reserve fund is being used for one year of operating cost. <br /> 21 Darryl Butts said the general fund contribution for FY14 is $1.8 million, which is <br /> 22 $275,000 over FY13. <br /> 23 Gayle Wilson said the budget preparation process has become more efficient over the <br /> 24 past 8-10 years. He said the solid waste department is going through multiple transitions at this <br /> 25 time, with 3R fees and the landfill closing. He said staff hopes to re-stabilize operations and <br /> 26 finances in the next couple of years and come out better than before. He said it has been 6 <br /> 27 years since the basic 3r fee has been increased. He said the budget proposed for next year is <br /> 28 10% less than this present year. He said efforts are being made to minimize the impact of this <br /> 29 current financial storm. <br /> 30 Commissioner Pelissier asked about the increase in the household fee. She said it is <br /> 31 important to make it clear that the Board of County Commissioners has voted on this before, <br /> 32 and it is a planned increase. She asked if this is the last planned increase. <br /> 33 Gayle Wilson said the increase started out low and the Board's goal was to gradually <br /> 34 increase it with a corresponding decrease in general fund contributions. <br /> 35 Commissioner Price said the Board had asked for a meeting with the small haulers, and <br /> 36 she would like to know the results of this. She questioned, if small haulers are allowed, how <br /> 37 this will affect their revenues. <br /> 38 Gayle Wilson said he met with the private hauler from Efland, and he understood her <br /> 39 questions and concerns. He has not heard back from her or any of the other haulers. He said <br /> 40 staff did an evaluation in-house of what that impact would be, and a report has not been <br /> 41 produced yet. <br /> 42 Commissioner Price said she does not want to see these small haulers go out of <br /> 43 business. <br /> 44 Chair Jacobs said the Board could contact the private haulers for a meeting and give <br /> 45 them a draft report to look over, and then report back to the Board of County Commissioners <br /> 46 Gayle Wilson said this could be done over time. He said he thinks most haulers have <br /> 47 probably found a resolution, and this is why none have contacted him. <br /> 48 Frank Clifton said many are likely using other landfills or convenience centers. He said <br /> 49 even if these small haulers are worked with, it will likely not factor into the bottom line of the <br /> 50 budget. <br />