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7 <br /> 1 budgeted FY 2012-13 revenues, and program expenditures are budgeted at a 4.2% <br /> 2 increase when compared with the FY 2012-13 budget. <br /> 3 • Capital improvements to the building will be required in FY 2013-14 due to the age of the <br /> 4 facility; a detailed list of these improvements is included in the FY 2013-18 Capital <br /> 5 Investment Plan. <br /> 6 • The $360,000 reflected Capital Outlay in the FY 2013-14 Manager Recommended Budget <br /> 7 represents anticipated surplus revenue that will be held in a reserve account for future <br /> 8 repairs/replacement. <br /> 9 • Offsetting revenues include the Transfer from the General Fund to cover the annual debt <br /> 10 service on the building. The Transfer from the General Fund for FY 2013-14 is $376,450. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Paul Laughton referred to page 268 of the abstract, as well as attachment E. He <br /> 13 reviewed the additional information listed in the abstract line item breakdown, major programs <br /> 14 and revenues/expenses. He noted the Sportsplex is looking at about a 9.2% increase in overall <br /> 15 revenues next year and a 4.2% increase in expenses. He said the ice rink has been a major <br /> 16 source of revenue increase, as well as the Kidsplex afterschool programs and the fitness <br /> 17 programs. <br /> 18 John Stock said that a recent forecast showed year-to-date operations line up remarkably <br /> 19 well with the budget. He said the facility is beginning to get into some capacity concerns that <br /> 20 may affect increasing revenues. He said the 4% increase in expenses is partly due to some <br /> 21 unplanned expenditures that included $60,000 for a new compressor, the purchase of a new <br /> 22 server and design for a new website. He said that these would normally be CIP items, but <br /> 23 because they were unbudgeted, these were paid for out of operating expenses. <br /> 24 He said that, after years of 10% annual growth, there has been a slowdown. He said the <br /> 25 lobby expansion will allow more flexibility for exercise classes and for Kidsplex. He said there <br /> 26 are some aggressive numbers in the CIP. He said the facility is doing its job well and the <br /> 27 community is responding to this and driving this growth. <br /> 28 John Stock said that some of the key areas of need are for the afterschool, senior and <br /> 29 young family programs. He said the facility is open 360 days a year from 5:30 AM until just <br /> 30 past midnight, regardless of weather. He said the lobby expansion will pay for itself in terms of <br /> 31 more membership. He said that the proposed new turf is to be used, not only for sports, but as <br /> 32 a walking area for seniors as well. He said there are child development programs that also use <br /> 33 the turf and cater to children as young as 18 months. <br /> 34 He reviewed some of the growing programs, including soccer training. He said the center <br /> 35 provides a unique perspective on the business of sports. He reviewed several consulting <br /> 36 partnerships with other companies. <br /> 37 Chair Jacobs said the Board appreciates the Sportsplex and said it is popular with the <br /> 38 staff. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 3. County Departments <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Paul Laughton said that the budget and management heads for each department will <br /> 43 handle introductions as well as a brief highlight of budget drivers for the next year. He said this <br /> 44 will be followed by elaboration from the department heads. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Register of Deeds <br /> 47 page 237 <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Budget Highlights <br />