Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee asked at what point this number would adversely affect their <br /> 2 credit rating. <br /> 3 Paul Laughton said the policy is reviewed by the LGC very carefully. He said that if the <br /> 4 percentage falls just a little it may not have an effect in the short term, but it may affect the long <br /> 5 term. He said the main concern is not to jeopardize their AAA rating. He said the desire is to <br /> 6 stay at the 17%. <br /> 7 Commissioner McKee asked what 1% on fund balance will equal in dollars. <br /> 8 Paul Laughton said 17% puts the number at $32 million in fund balance. He said the <br /> 9 Board needs to be mindful that revenues don't come in until later in the year, and that fund <br /> 10 balance is used to pay monthly capital to the schools and to pay bills. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee said that the 17% represents 3 months of revenue, and Paul <br /> 12 Laughton agreed. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price said that part of the reason the budget is decreased is the nutrition <br /> 14 services number. She noted that the school board is requesting $37,800 and the county <br /> 15 recommendation is $8000. She asked what will happen with this. <br /> 16 Paul Laughton said this is the school system's budget, not the County's. <br /> 17 Patrick Rhodes said no cuts are being made to school nutrition services. He said there <br /> 18 were some changes made in Federal appropriation to reflect that, and this means less local <br /> 19 funding has to be appropriated. <br /> 20 Steve Halkiotis said their child nutrition is self sustaining and has been showing a profit <br /> 21 for the past several years. <br /> 22 Chair Jacobs referred to the $900,000 to replace teacher assistants and compared this <br /> 23 to Steve Halkiotis' mention of a certain number of teacher assistants that could be replaced. <br /> 24 He asked for clarification on whether this is included in the $900,000. <br /> 25 Vice Chair Halkiotis said the board is simply looking at scenarios in order to hold on to <br /> 26 their teacher assistants, even if it means cutting hours. He said efforts are being made to keep <br /> 27 these assistants employed. <br /> 28 Commissioner Rich left at 7:59. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Durham Technical Community College (DTCC) <br /> 31 Penny Gluck said there is no formal presentation, but she and Robert Keeney are here <br /> 32 to answer questions. She said there is a lot of excitement about the higher enrollment at their <br /> 33 Orange County Durham Tech campus. She said enrollment is up by over 74% this year, and <br /> 34 there has been an 83% increase in curriculum course offerings. She said DTCC is here this <br /> 35 evening to ask for a modest increase <br /> 36 Robert Keeny brings greetings from Durham Tech's President Ingram, who was unable <br /> 37 to attend. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price said she had attended the graduation ceremonies at DTCC and the <br /> 39 excitement was remarkable. She said it is evident that a lot of good work is happening. <br /> 40 Chair Jacobs said the Board is very pleased to have a DTCC campus in Orange County. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Chair Jacobs asked about the page number order and why this is not in alphabetical <br /> 43 order and with page numbers. He noted page numbers for the remaining discussion items. <br /> 44 Paul Laughton said elected officials are usually listed first, and then it should go in <br /> 45 alphabetical order after that, with a few exceptions. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 2. Sportsplex <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Budget Highlights <br /> 50 • Budgeted program revenues for FY 2013-14 are projected at a 9.2% increase over <br />