Agenda - 09-17-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-17-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-17-2013 - 5a
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9/10/2015 3:35:36 PM
Creation date
9/13/2013 11:56:04 AM
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Minutes 09-17-2013
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3 <br /> 1 Commissioner Pelissier said one of the things that concerns her is that the CHCCS's <br /> 2 request is so much higher than the OCS request, even considering the difference in student <br /> 3 numbers. She said that if more is given to CHCCS, it may result is OCS being given more than <br /> 4 was requested. She said this has to be weighed out, especially in the face of Northside <br /> 5 opening. <br /> 6 Commissioner Gordon said there is a precedent for opening CHCCS schools using the <br /> 7 district tax, and this should not be discounted as a possibility. She said the voters support that. <br /> 8 She noted that voters in the CHCCS district voted for a district tax, whereas OCS voted against <br /> 9 one in 2005. She said it may be possible to move money around, and this can be looked at, but <br /> 10 there is no way to know and the needs are large. <br /> 11 Commissioner Price said, as much as she believes in a strong school system, she does <br /> 12 not want to raise taxes. She said that the poverty level is growing in Orange County, and the <br /> 13 cost of living is so high that residents are moving to Durham and Alamance County. She said <br /> 14 raising taxes should not be the first choice, and the option of moving money around should be <br /> 15 examined. She said that the people who showed up at the public hearing in favor of a tax <br /> 16 increase are the people who have cars and the time to attend the meeting. She noted that <br /> 17 there are many residents without the time or transportation, and these same people feel their <br /> 18 opinion does not hold weight. <br /> 19 Chair Jacobs said he does not feel there is a need to raise the county wide property tax <br /> 20 in order to fund the schools; that is why the district tax is there. He said a lot of what goes on <br /> 21 during this time of year is like a dance. People aim high and ask high. The manager aims low, <br /> 22 so the Board looks good when the funding is higher. He asked how much would be necessary <br /> 23 to restore teacher assistant positions. <br /> 24 Ruby Pittman said the budget cut is $1.3 million in teacher assistants, or 35-37 <br /> 25 positions. <br /> 26 Chair Jacobs said there are different interpretations of fund balances for school systems. <br /> 27 He referenced an amendment on page 17 in the agenda tonight, in which the school system <br /> 28 explains why there is no excess fund balance that can be applied. <br /> 29 Frank Clifton said staff uses the reported numbers from the schools. He said each year <br /> 30 the number that is applied is the number that the schools report to the state. He said this is all <br /> 31 the staff has until adjustments are made. <br /> 32 Chair Jacobs said this means that the school's letter reflects different numbers, <br /> 33 subsequent to the numbers submitted to the state. <br /> 34 James Barrett said the allocation of$3.2 million for next fiscal year is included in the <br /> 35 budget that is already passed. <br /> 36 Paul Laughton said the letter shows the appropriation from this year, and the county takes <br /> 37 the audited number. He said the county looks at the policy of the percent of minimum needed, <br /> 38 which is 5.5% for CHCCS and 3% for OCS. He said this is where the Board saw the estimated <br /> 39 excess above the established minimum. <br /> 40 Frank Clifton said the Board of County Commissioners has no control over how money is <br /> 41 allocated from the schools to their services. He said the Board tries to make sure the County <br /> 42 fund balance is at an appropriate level, so that the debt can be sold and stability can be <br /> 43 established. He said that there is also a small amount of excess flexible money included in the <br /> 44 budget. <br /> 45 Paul Laughton referred to the 48.1% target mentioned by the manager. He said there are <br /> 46 5 components that control that. These components are: current expense, recurring capital, <br /> 47 long range capital, debt service, and fair funding. He said the debt service is about $1.3m more <br /> 48 than last year and that falls into the component of the 48.1%. He reviewed an excel sheet and <br /> 49 clarified some of the distributions. <br />
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