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11 <br /> 1 Rani Desi spoke on behalf of the Smith Middle School PTSA. She asked the Board to <br /> 2 fully fund both school systems, even if it requires an increase in taxes. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Victoria Templeton has children in the CHCCS. She said she has been struck by the <br /> 5 number of people saying that there is no request for "more" funding. She said everyone needs <br /> 6 to stop and look at what has been lost in the last 5 years- 4th and 5th grade caps, teacher <br /> 7 assistants, school science lab, foreign language classroom, decreased capital budgets, reduced <br /> 8 office staff, and outdated buildings and equipment. She said that, despite these conditions, <br /> 9 schools have continued to operate and perform at high levels. She said that these cuts have <br /> 10 had a damaging impact already, and now there are higher expectations with new curriculum. <br /> 11 She said that teachers are supplementing with their own money, while making less; and parents <br /> 12 are supplementing schools with supplies in larger and larger amounts. She said that the cuts <br /> 13 were initially used to improve efficiency and now it has progressed to cutting essential <br /> 14 programs. She read the district education vision statement and asked which of these visions <br /> 15 are to be cut. She said that 1 out of 4 students in the district are at risk and she strongly <br /> 16 encouraged the Board to do what is necessary to fully fund the schools. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Matthew Chamberlain has been living in Chapel Hill for 8 months and has children in <br /> 19 CHCCS. His family moved here because of the educational systems. He feels that the biggest <br /> 20 infrastructure investment the county can make is to the people in our schools, not the physical <br /> 21 buildings. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Jane Kerwin said she moved here for the education, and she re-located her family here <br /> 24 because of this. She has four children in the CHCCS and she asked the Board to keep funding <br /> 25 education. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Scott Windham has two children in the CHCCS. He said that residents know that the <br /> 28 Board of County Commissioners is not the bad guy. The state is the bad guy. He said the <br /> 29 Board needs to fully fund the schools' budget requests. He said that the schools are only <br /> 30 asking for the basics, not luxuries. He said appropriately funded schools are an investment, as <br /> 31 they turn out citizens with higher incomes who contribute more to their communities. Though he <br /> 32 is a fiscal conservative, he is asking the Commissioners to raise taxes to fund the schools. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 James Easthom has two children in the school system. He asked the Board to fully fund <br /> 35 both school systems and suggested a 5 cent tax raise to do this. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 James Barrett is on the CHCCS Board of Education. He said he is here speaking on his <br /> 38 own behalf tonight. He said that it has been 5 years since there has been a tax increase or a <br /> 39 per pupil funding increase. He asked the Board to please fully fund their school systems this <br /> 40 year. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Neal Haze said he took French in both high school and college. He said that there was <br /> 43 a student in his senior year college French class who was more advanced in French due to his <br /> 44 Chapel Hill school experience in foreign language. He said he supports fully funding the school <br /> 45 systems. He said the victory here is not to keep taxes from being raised, but to do whatever is <br /> 46 necessary to keep that quality education. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Chair Jacobs requested that Clarence Grier distribute the current per pupil amounts to <br /> 49 the Board members at the budget work session on June 6th <br /> 50 <br /> 51 4. Adjournment of Public Hearing <br /> 52 <br />