Agenda - 09-17-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-17-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-17-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
9/10/2015 3:35:36 PM
Creation date
9/13/2013 11:56:04 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-17-2013
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9 <br /> 1 be cut. He said that the community has a choice to give the schools what they asked for and he <br /> 2 said his parents are willing to pay more taxes to fully fund the schools. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Brian Russell said he is within the walk zone of the new elementary school. He has a <br /> 5 four year old who will be attending in the future. He is interested in the communities taking care <br /> 6 of one another in both school districts. He asked the Board to increase the funding to schools, <br /> 7 rather than just keeping the status quo. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Lauren Williams thanked the Board of County Commissioners for their hard work. She is <br /> 10 a single parent, and her daughter is a rising senior who has had a wonderful education in the <br /> 11 Orange County school system. She is worried that others will not have the same education as <br /> 12 her daughter was fortunate to have had. She said she can think of no better way to spend her <br /> 13 money than to fully fund both school districts. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Laura Dougherty is a public school teacher and has two children in CHCCS. She feels it <br /> 16 is critical to fully fund the schools, and she is willing to pay more taxes to do this. She noted <br /> 17 that N.C. ranks 48th in the nation for teacher pay and per pupil spending. She said that these <br /> 18 schools need financial support. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Jamezetta Bedford is the Vice Chair of CHCCS Board of Education (BOE). She said <br /> 21 she was surprised at some of the items on the CIP at the joint board meeting, including the gym <br /> 22 at Cedar Ridge. She said she does support the auxiliary gym. She feels that both school <br /> 23 districts have robust sports offering and the extra-curricular involvement leads to better <br /> 24 academic performance. Speaking for the BOE, she said the board does not expect to be fully <br /> 25 funded when the request is submitted. The request is based on state funding and it is much <br /> 26 less than last year. She said the BOE needs the funding to open up Northside Elementary and <br /> 27 meet other needs. She said that, whatever amount the Board of County Commissioners' needs <br /> 28 to fund both school systems should be attained. She suggested a special district tax. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Bonnie Hauser said she feels that the county is too focused on new buildings, campuses <br /> 31 and facilities and is not giving enough focus to quality and effectiveness of services. She asked <br /> 32 who benefits from the stand alone library in Carrboro and the $11 million expansion to this <br /> 33 building. She said that there is much being heard from architects and designers and not <br /> 34 enough from major stakeholders and experts on the ground, including agencies, schools and <br /> 35 everyday users of County services. She asked that service, and not buildings, be made a <br /> 36 priority with stakeholders actively involved in the process. She encouraged more attention to <br /> 37 resource sharing and community based services with an explicit intention to support community <br /> 38 services. She thanked the Board for pushing back on the project at the Blackwood Farm. She <br /> 39 said there is a high amount of concern about the growing interest in a bond referendum and tax <br /> 40 increase to fund a list of capital projects that have not had serious discussion about justification <br /> 41 or urgency. She asked the Board to look into how services can be modernized, and this might <br /> 42 lead to more money being found for the schools. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Marilyn McTigue is a long time resident of Bingham Township. She expressed <br /> 45 appreciation for the Emergency Services work group that engaged the public, and she said she <br /> 46 would like the same process for library services. She said that, despite $25 million invested in <br /> 47 new libraries in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, she has to utilize two library cards and two web <br /> 48 based applications to access the full collection. She said that the Chapel Hill Public Library is <br /> 49 central to Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and she questioned the plans for the Carrboro library. She <br /> 50 noted that many rural residents travel 15 miles or more to access a library. She would like to <br /> 51 see the establishment of a library services workgroup with stakeholders from the town and <br /> 52 County to devise a seamless library services plan for the entire County. She would like to see <br />
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