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64 0 - .2 e> 3 '02rie- <br /> 9 - 513 <br /> 6. Public Hearinas <br /> a. Baldwin Zoning Atlas Amendment— Public Hearina Closure and Action <br /> The Board received the Planning Board recommendation, closed the public hearing, and made a <br /> decision on an owner-initiated Zoning Atlas Amendment to rezone a 3.36 acre parcel of property from <br /> EDE-1 (Economic Development Eno Lower Intensity) to EDE-2 (Economic Development Eno Higher <br /> Intensity) in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). <br /> Michael Harvey reviewed the maps of the parcel and said the Baldwins have indicated the EDE-2 <br /> zoning would be more acceptable, and staff has concurred. He referred to the abstract and concerns of <br /> impact on properties to the south. He said there will be no impact to this area. He said the planning board <br /> has voted unanimously that this is consistent with the comprehensive plan and should be approved. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to close the <br /> public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to adopt <br /> a. Attachment 3—Ordinance Amending the Zoning Atlas <br /> b. Attachment 5—Statement of Consistency authorizing the zoning atlas amendments as detailed herein. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Approval of Ground Lease Between Orange County and American Towers, LLC <br /> The Board considered conducting a public hearing on a potential Ground Lease Agreement with <br /> American Towers, LLC, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a communications tower in <br /> northern Orange County; considered approving a Ground Lease Agreement with American Towers, LLC, <br /> for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a communications tower in northern Orange County; and <br /> contingent on Board approval, authorized the Chair to execute all necessary documents to effectuate the <br /> Lease upon final review of the County Attorney. <br /> Jeff Thompson reviewed the purpose of the hearing. He reviewed the site locator in the packets. <br /> He said this tower with cable is capable of carrying commercial equipment, as well as emergency services <br /> assets simultaneously. He referenced materials regarding AT&T coverage, as well as balloon test <br /> information. He said the lease contemplates a non exclusive easement which will not interfere with the <br /> Walnut Grove Solid Waste Convenience Center (SWCC) operations. He said American Towers has <br /> completed its site survey and is ready to continue the permit process, subject to this lease approval. <br /> Michael Harvey said he is here to give some background on this project. He said the Orange <br /> County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) creates a hierarchy for desired cell tower locations. He <br /> said the first in the hierarchy is County owned property. He referenced that telecommunications master <br /> plan map and said this map serves as a marketing tool to allow County staff to solicit from private and <br /> county owned properties that are in essential locations. <br /> He said he is aware of some concerns about this process. He referred to a timeline and said any <br /> tower location on County property is subject to administrative approval. He said balloon tests must be <br /> conducted, as well as neighborhood information meetings. He said a balloon test was conducted for this <br /> site on August 18`h, and he was personally present. He said certified letters were sent to neighbors, along <br /> with a newspaper article and signs, informing nearby residents of the balloon test; however there were no <br /> residents present, other than those who stopped when they saw the balloon. <br /> Michael Harvey said once this lease is finalized the applicant will be submitting the final site plan, <br /> and Orange County planning staff will complete the remaining environmental review. He said, because of <br /> the process of expanding the SWCC, there have already been several environmental studies on this <br /> property, and there are not anticipated problems. He noted that ATT had previously looked at a property <br /> south of this location, and there were some neighborhood concerns. The County property was then <br /> offered, and it was determined that this property would be appropriate. <br /> John Roberts gave a review of the lease. He said the property is 1000 square feet, and the lease <br /> is for an initial 9 year term and will automatically renew for 6, 5 year terms. He said either party is able to <br />