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opportunity for Orange County to realize a significant savings. He is content to leave the <br /> $50,000 for next year, but he does not see building a stand-alone station next year because it <br /> defeats the purpose of the co-location. He suggested removing the $875,000 for next year. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about the costs of the substations and said these numbers seem <br /> too high. He asked staff to come back with a realistic system for the following budget years. <br /> The consultant recommended something way out of the range of the County's budget. <br /> Commissioner Price asked for numbers for co-location for next year. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the Emergency Services Work Group did not recommend <br /> standalone stations at this time. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested taking this item out. <br /> Frank Clifton suggested bringing back a couple of options to the Board. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the Board needs to give a clear signal that co-location is the <br /> preferred option. <br /> Blackwood Farm Park: <br /> There are large amounts in year 3 for the Agriculture, Environment and Parks Center <br /> and year 4 would be for park construction. <br /> Frank Clifton said one of the thoughts was the possibility of a county fair. Blackwood <br /> Farm would be a logical site for this. There is public water and sewer on this site. <br /> Commissioner McKee questioned the expense of this. <br /> Frank Clifton said the County has purchased lots of land and has not built facilities yet. <br /> Dave Stancil said the master plan was adopted by the Board several years ago. The <br /> master plan in 2005 included a footprint for a parks and recreation office. The idea here is to <br /> have this facility as an Ag Center. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the adopted Master Plan should be shared with the Board of County <br /> Commissioners before making decisions on this site, especially for the new members. When <br /> this was discussed in the past, there was some discussion about how this project in the CIP <br /> went from future years to being built right away. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the way she remembers it is that this would have the park, <br /> operations base, and environmental education center. She does not remember the Ag Center <br /> being a part of it. <br /> Chair Jacobs said if the Revere Road building is not adequate anymore, then the <br /> proposal is that the functions in there that are agriculture related would be moved to this facility, <br /> which is why the Ag Center is now on this plan. Dave Stancil agreed. <br /> Commissioner Price said she is concerned about changing the plan. She said she <br /> remembers nothing about making this a government complex when she was on the work group. <br /> Commissioner McKee said this would represent decentralization from Hillsborough. He <br /> said this de facto makes a decision to close down the Revere Road facility. This concerns him. <br /> Chair Jacobs said it is clear that more analysis is needed on this item. The space <br /> needs study will be done in two weeks and more information will be available at that time. He <br /> suggested just focusing on the $100,000 for this year and deferring the rest until more <br /> discussion has occurred. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she does not want office space at Blackwood Farm. <br /> The County Commissioners agreed that more discussion needs to take place. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested discussing the remaining three huge ticket items and leaving <br /> the rest to later. <br /> Commissioner McKee noted that the Eurosport Soccer Center has also rapidly <br /> escalated in scope and cost. <br />