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year and then the payments start the next year. He said that the operational dollars are lower <br /> once the debt comes into play. This has been lessened by lower interest rates, but this will <br /> change as rates rise. He said this needs to be looked at. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Clarence Grier if the annual per pupil allocations can be added to <br /> the sheet, and Clarence Grier said yes. <br /> CHCCS Board Member Jamezetta Bedford asked if it is it still true that residential <br /> growth does not pay for itself, and Frank Clifton answered yes. She asked if there has been <br /> any progress with economic development, and Chair Jacobs answered yes. <br /> CHCCS Board Member Mike Kelly referenced Debbie Piscatelli's comment regarding <br /> the impact of new schools and asked how this can be managed. <br /> CHCCS Board Member Mia Burroughs said there is growth in CHCCS and building out <br /> is not so far away. She said there is more room for growth in Orange County and this is a <br /> challenge that can go either way. <br /> CHCCS Board Member Jamezetta Bedford referenced the great amount of older <br /> schools in both systems and said these needs will be significant and there is not sufficient <br /> money to cover them. She said there have been studies about this and it is just now being <br /> touched on. She said this needs to be in the back of peoples' minds as it will need to be <br /> addressed. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there are many forms of equity, and one system should not receive <br /> all of the funding while the other district sits and watches. He said that $1 million went to <br /> Orange High and then the rest of the money went to the Chapel Hill School System. He said <br /> that there needs to be continual discussion to prevent putting any school system at a <br /> disadvantage. <br /> OCS Chair Coffey expressed appreciation for the opportunity to come forward to <br /> discuss this with the Board of County Commissioners. She expressed a desire for more <br /> collaboration and input for future agendas for these joint meetings. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 pm. <br /> Barry Jacobs, Chair <br /> Donna S. Baker <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />